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Wow, that was a lot of fun! Great graphics, loved the tabla going off in the music, and a super fun way to incorporate randomness while also letting users have control over the game and develop their own playstyle. I went for a lightning-heavy approach, but kinda regretted it since I feel like it stopped being effective at mowing enemies down pretty quickly. Great submission!


Thank you, we had a lot of fun doing this game, it's so good to know that people have fun with it !

Unfortunately there is a bug that makes the lightning way less effective that it should be, normally every dice on the ground showing a lightning face should retrigger when you roll another lightning, but currently after a few seconds the dice stops reactivating. I'm working on a fix, so it will be included in a post jam patch right after the jam !


That makes a lot of sense, I was expecting that to happen (which is why I went lightning), but I thought that I had misinterpreted something. Bugs happen, that's the jam life haha. Looking forward to scoping a post-jam version

Thanks a lot for playing our game ! We got incredibly positive feedback, and scored 13th overall, it gives us a lot of energy to keep working on this game in the future ! We just released a post jam patch for the game, polishing and fixing things we did not have time to do during the jam. The bug you brought to our attention has been fixed, among others. Lightning is now way more powerful (maybe a bit too strong, we'll see). We would love feedback on that as we intend to turn it into a full product ! Stay tuned if you're interested :)

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I did not have time to play and rate a lot during this jam, I'll try to play as many games from people who commented here as I can, and give feedback during the few next weeks. Thanks again and see you next year for GMTK 2023 !