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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow, that was a lot of fun! I've never played a "survivors" style game although I've seen videos about Vampire Survivors, and I gotta say, I get it now haha. That was super addicting, I played for way too long. Maxed out at level 54, but death would always kill me. Great submission, solid graphics, audio, and gameplay, overall a pleasure to play :)

That's fair, it was probably a mistake for me to add an unskippable cutscene at a critical junction in a jam game lol

I appreciate the feedback. You entered low power mode by activating the switch that presented the ghost to begin with!

Wow, very impressive submission. It looks and feels beautiful. I've never played a text-based rpg and felt very compelled to continue this game. The 3D mode is very effective, you really managed to pull a whole lot from this concept. Probably the best game I've played so far; well done!

Beautiful looking game, reminds me of Return of the Obra Dinn. I found that I had to glitch into walls in order to complete the levels, but I enjoyed the game for the short, but sweet experience. Well done!

I'm a huge WC3 player and it's fun to see people poke fun at RTSs. I wish it was faster pace as I think the movement is a big sluggish and hard to follow. Also I watched one of my friends who does not play RTSs attempt this and even after starting off by reading the instructions he needed me to explain to him how RTSs worked to play it.

Fun game! The progression of the levels was a bit inconsistent, but the overall experience was thoroughly enjoyable!

Beautiful game, very elegant. Puzzles were quite challenging and satisfying to solve, although a lot of them at the start suffered from being easily brute forced. This wasn't a problem except that I didn't really understand the instructions at first, and was still able to beat the first level. The tutorial didn't really help, and it took me going back and trying to understand why I won to learn the game. I think having text over the left-most "target mode" and "current mode" would've helped intensely. Great submission.

Oh man, that was a ride. I loved a lot of combos, but the best was definitely rhythm spicy mode since you could just chill while enemies died, but flying enemies were still a challenge you had to deal with. Level 12 was an insane leap in difficulty and a lot of the powerups I just instakilled myself on, but was eventually able to get a solid seed of sticky, rhythm, standard, standard which was super doable (essentially a perfect seed. Only thing else I came close with was rhythm, spicy, reverse, standard which was also pretty easy). A lot of creativity in this; the art is beautiful, soundscape was great, really polished work. Definitely the best game I've played in this jam so far (and the longest with a 30min playtime haha). If only Sonny and Ookie could meet up ;)

I've never seen a game hit me with an MS Paint YouTube tutorial video haha, VERY cool. The controls were a bit of a fuck even after the tutorial though, mostly because I'm used to playing Spelunky where I whip with J. It would've been nice if picking up the game unpaused by default. It was really difficult to get back into the game because the bullets would phase-lock,  sometime killing you 100% of the time. I really dug the music, interesting take on the theme, good submission!

Nice submission! I The art and sound are excellent and really sell the vibe. Unfortunately, I seemed to be able to cheese indefinitely by instantaneously going under the bed and to the far left corner. The only thing I had do was move the furniture as a human haha

Very clean looking game, and a lot of fun to play. I think the mode change could've been more clearly introduced much sooner, but when it did come into play it was awesome and I understand why you chose that method. I love the staff throwing mechanic -- it was really cleanly implemented and couldn't be abused (despite trying). The art, sound, and general vibes of both modes is excellent. Very solid submission, and as someone who made a platform puzzler, I know this would've been a ton of work and it really is a triumph.

(2 edits)

Always a pleasure to play your games and this was no exception! Mechanics are great, good amount of challenge, although I feel like really I just wanted the blue ghost at all times haha.

I'll try to beat my 7470 later, but right now I'm very tired. Well done!

Interesting. In our testing we didn't find random clicking to be effective, especially on levels 4 and 5. I appreciate your feedback, though!

It was a team effort :) thank you very much for your kind words.

Really great take on the theme! We made a similar tower defense game, however we choose the entire wave beforehand, and enemies are spawned sequentially. Your game has the difference of requiring you to time clicking so it turns into a rhythm game almost which is cool. I literally busted out the metronome to help me beat the harder levels lol.

Baguette! Really fun meta game :) I love the voice acting, it's clear you all had a blast making it and I certainly had a blast playing.  For a while it seemed like my strategy of placing blocks directly on enemies to break their line of sight worked, but then I had to actually strategize once that stopped working haha. Nice submission

I totally get it. Balancing is a nightmare, it's super easy to tweak a single thing and make it effortless or impossible lol

Hahaha, I've been using Google Slides for my research presentations for about 8 years now so it's just a tool I'm fluent in. It has its limitations of course, but it can do some pretty cool things ;)

Thank you so much for the kind words <3 I'm glad it was engaging in the end and that you could see yourself playing it as a full release :)

Nice submission! We also did a reverse TD and I've been playing all of the ones I see; this is the first one that decided to do multi-lane spawning which was really cool! Overall it did seem like it was impossible to win since the turrets are so quick, but it was nice giving it a proper try :)

Nice submission! We also did a similar reversed tower defense, although I like your implementation of indirect spawning via building unique structures. 

Really unique take on the tower offense! I especially enjoyed the art and sound, it meshes together super well. The hat transfer to the other goons is great and in general it it was a blast to play :)

(1 edit)

Spoiler alert, wave 435 of 5 is insane.


Good submission! It would be nice if there was ammo indication. Also, if there were hotkeys to switch to specific turrets rather than cycling left and right things would flow much better.

Also, for what it's worth, there are many normal TDs (particularly within Warcraft 3, e.g. Gem TD, Element TD, Wintermaul, Wintermaul One etc) where you have control of the targeting from the turrets, so from my perspective this feels like a standard TD haha

It's funny that you emphasize left click, but in reality it's right click that works for me (on Firefox and Chrome). Interesting take on the role reversed TD; very challenging.

Awesome take on the theme! We also made a reversed tower defense, but yours is the first I've seen that uses the mechanic of building the defense and then having to fight against it -- super cool!

A nice submission! I also made a reversed tower defense game, but with very different mechanics. I liked controlling the one enemy! One thing I'll note is that it was much easier for me to beat the game by never shooting and just dodging rather than shooting, not sure if that's intended.

An effective tower defense reversal. We also made one, but it's nice to see the differences. The procedural generation works really well on this game!

A straightforward game, but implemented well. Vibes are good and the game plays smoothly! It's also nice to see a game that doesn't require an extensive tutorial to start.

Thank you for the lovely comment and your feedback! Level 4 was previously solvable by spamming the fastest packets, and I had some time to kill a couple of hours before submission and decided that wasn't gonna' cut it. I ended up fixing that solution, but the result is much more complicated. I'm glad you were able to complete the game though :)

I appreciate the feedback! We have played some other reverse-tds this jam that use that mechanic. It's neat because we would've never thought of that style of TD and we're happy to see diversity of interpretation despite common inspiration :)

Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)

A good submission, nice work!

Very creative submission, very satisfying once I won a run. Well done!

I feel personally attacked.

Fun game! Interestingly enough I did better on my very first run (by chance) when I was still figuring out the controls than in any of my subsequent attempts haha.

Level 4 is pretty unforgiving, but there is a clean pattern that defeats it. This game ended up being hard to balance, it's either grueling or spammy haha

Great aesthetic on this game! I think it's maybe a tad on the dark side, but makes sense for a wormy boy in the dirt.

Also you definitely can get partial credit on the audio since you did make it yourself ;)

Glad it was engaging, thanks for the feedback :)