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A member registered Feb 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Merci pour ce commentaire, je suis ravi de voir que la plupart des petits détails disséminés dans le scénario ont fait mouche !

Sur les questions de manque de tact, de suivi sur la dangerosité des route et du suivi des victime, le constat est le même partout : rien ou presque n'est fait, les élus et les policiers ne sont pas formés aux questions routières et la volonté politique n'est pas là pour faire changer les choses.

Sur le premier jet du scénario, nous avions aussi l'impression d'avoir forcé le trait sur la police. Mais les militants de l'association de la Ligue contre la violence routière, qui accompagnaient l'événement, nous ont fait parvenir un PV de police complet d'une affaire, et ont pu nous mettre en relation avec une personne ayant perdu un proche dans un accident, et a bien voulu témoigner. Ces situations réelles sont infiniment plus choquantes et caricaturales que ce qu'on raconte dans le jeu. Et le manque de tact de la police, si ce n'est l'incompétence parfois, revenait assez systématiquement dans les problèmes rencontrés.

Ce qui m'a le plus attristé est le constat que le sujet n'a pas avancé depuis le début des années 2000, faute de volonté politique, et que les militants ont très peu de moyens d'action, ils viennent en aide aux victimes et familles de victimes avec peu d'espoir que la situation n'évolue à moyen terme. La principale mesure qu'ils portaient politiquement est l'ajout dans le droit de l'homicide routier (tuer quelqu'un au volant est considéré comme un homicide involontaire actuellement). La mesure est en cours d'évaluation mais, si j'ai bien compris, elle a déjà été vidée de sa substance (pas de peine plancher notamment). C'est d'ores et déjà une grosse déception pour l'association.

Pour plus d'info, le plus simple est d'entrer en contact avec la ligue :

Merci d'avoir joué et d'avoir pris le temps de laisser un commentaire !

That's interesting to see a rhythm game in this jam, and this one is quite beautiful ! It's too bad there is no ending, but making a full game in a week is hard... What's there is pretty polished, and it makes me want to see more !

Gameplay wise, I don't think having notes coming from all directions is a great idea, as it makes it hard to see in which order they appeared. It made things a bit harder than necessary in my opinion.

Really fun concept, the movement is quite original and I think it could be expanded into something really cool !

But I think it is a bit too hard at the moment, especially at the start when you try to understand the controls, as any jump can lead you to death. I kept thinking the double jump would send me in the other direction, having a visual indication could maybe help for that. Maybe having a health system would solve it simply, as it would allow for error without having to restart the game every time.
However it got pretty pleasant once I got the hang of the controls. Well done :)

Wow the rain is really well made, with the particles, thunder and all ! And it got actually scary when I discovered that I was not only followed by the cloud, there was also a flood in the underground :
The game is quite enjoyable, but a bit too hard I think, the projectiles going through walls can be really punishing when the player is in a narrow corridor, and it's often way too hard to escape the flood. But I really like the concept, and aside from the difficulty, the execution is flawless. Well done !

what a cute bunny !

The game is way more punishing that it looks, a single drop touched and it's death ! It is quite complete though, with an upgrade system and some movement upgrades. Well done !

That was so funny ! I love the idea, it's a perfect match for the theme, and the execution is pretty cool, well done !

Thanks ! Sure, I'll make sure to rate your game :)

This is the proof that there's no need to do complex art to make a visually appealing game !

The customisation of the tank works pretty well, even though it lacked a bit of strategy imo, I just put all the guns at the center with the wheels and put defense around it, and it seemed to work pretty well.
The shooting is a bit harder than necessary, mostly because the projectiles are very slow. I wish the velocity difference between weapons was a bit more noticable, I think it could add a lot of variety without needing more work.

Aside from that, the gameplay is quite enjoyable, it's too bad there is no sounds to make combat even more epic !

I love the frantic pace of the game ! Shopping has never been so epic !

There are a lot of good idea, like the fact that you can just run across hallways, just keeping the mouse pressed to collect everything, with the sound design making it really juicy. The bingo card is also a great idea for the scoring !

However I think it lacked a bit of strategy, as the items on the shelves seemed to be put without logic, and it felt like the optimal strategy was to just brainlessly collect everything and pray for a good score. With some more level design and a bingo card that pairs well with the placement of objects, I think it could add some strategy without removing the funny frantic pace that makes the identity of the game.

I enjoyed that game quite a lot, I'd be curious to see what could be made with the concept. Well done !

Interesting to allow the player to build the kitchen, the two phases go well with the theme. I had trouble playing because my keyboard is not qwerty, but it was quite interesting !

Looks like the final bug fix introduced more problem than it solved... That's what happens when stuff is added at the last minute...

Thank you for pointing it out ! It should be solved now ;)

The game lacks a few features to add some challenge, but I love the idea and everything that is there is really polished, well done !

I've seen a lot of similar games over the game jams I've participated in, but this one managed to get more fast paced than most, which is really nice. I think the camera could have been a bit more zoomed out to make it easier to see enemies incoming, but that put aside, the game plays really well, and the graphics are pretty cool. Well done !

That's a pretty cute idea, and a fun twist on the genre ! I just had problems controlling the ball, it seems like wherever the ball hits the paddle, it does not change its trajectory, so I got stuck at some point where the ball just went vertically into an undestructible block, and just bounced indefinitely. The way most breakout games work is that the further away from the center the ball hits, the more its trajectory is affected.

The graphics are really neat too, very simple but cute and clean, that's perfect for a game jam game, well done !

Oh I forgot to mention the only complain I have with the graphics : everything is too bright, maybe because the bloom is pushed a bit too far. Bloom is great to make things shine but overusing it becomes tiring for the eye.

When I saw "Mega Explosion", I immediately knew the game was for me. And it didn't disappoint ! The gameplay is pretty simple but the progression is so great, I love that moment when the camera zooms out when you spawn a huge explosion !
I'm not sure the concept could be expanded further while staying interesting, but that's a great idea for a game jam and I had a lot of fun playing it, well done !

Those creatures look so cool ! Well done with the editor, I had a lot of fun with that !
The combat is not so fun though, it took me some time to understand how to attack properly, I took some time trying to escape the boulders because I didn't think I was doing damage to them.

I'm not sure the first person combat was a good idea, because the main feature of the game is the monster you create, and you don't see it in first person. Maybe some kind of autobattler where you add parts to the creature to buff it would maybe be a bit easier to do and less clunky.

Oh I finally found the solution ! Well done, it was the right difficulty for me : it took me a few tries but I always had a new idea to try until I found the right one.

Ooops I got a crash at the end !

I love how you managed to build tension with the energy management and the relentlessness of the enemy, it always felt like I was always on the edge, fighting for every second I could get.

It got even more scary once I noticed that it could destroy the terrain walls too, it's a very nice touch.

The art style is really cool, the gameplay work perfectly, that's a very solid game overall, well done !

Really interesting concept, with cute graphics and good polish, and a lot of content, that's amazing work !

The only complaint I have is that the physics is a bit unpredictable, and makes some levels a bit frustrating : when you retract, sometimes you are thrown forward, and sometimes not, turning some obstacle really hard to avoid. I would gladly play more and play harder levels with a more consistent physics

Fun game, I love how such simple mechanics can allow for so much narrative creativity, the satire of religion is really funny. I wish it went a bit further, as there seems to be so many things possible with the multi-religion stuff at the end, but I guess you lacked time at the end, as we all do in game jams ! And that's always a good sign when people want to see more anyways...

Well done !

Pretty interesting, but for some reason I can't find a way to climb the big slope on the second step. Is there a mechanic I'm missing ? It feels that there is no way to build enough speed...

I like the concept a lot, I wondered what kind of idea people would have with the gizmos, and that looks quite promising ! However I got a bug on the level with the lasers, I found no way to block them both, the block did not seem to be able to stop the top one.

I find that a bit too hard to be fun, I barely could get to the first platform... It's too bad, the mechanic is cool and it could make a very interesting rage game, if the jump didn't feel so random.

I did not find a use for the change of scale, was it useful later in the game ?

Cool crafting game ! I like the roguelike upgrade mechanic, even though I think it made me a bit too powerful too fast, I just stacked upgrades that doubled the value of my scales and helped produce it faster, and just sold them directly, and that made me win the game ^^'

Having one screen for the shop and one for crafting is a bit tedious, as one always have to switch between the two to know what to craft.

Besides those few points, really good job, that's a beautiful game that kept me playing for a while !

Cool cable mechanic, I don't think I ever saw that in a sokoban-style game. Maybe the length of the rope could be shown somewhere before you attach it, as currently you have to try to know. Other than that it's a pretty short but cool game, that would deserve a lot more levels !

Pretty cool survivor, with a very interesting twist ! I love the way the enemies move, and there is enough upgrade diversity to keep me playing a few runs, well done !

Contratulations, you win the award of best comment, that comes with an amazing Drillax voucher of 30% discount for your next oil well or uranium mine ! 

Keep living the drill with Drillax Inc !

Oh okay ! So that wasn't a bug ! It might be a bit misleading then.

So I reached the ending, and it's awesome, I love how you used puzzles for narration. Congrats !

Awesome concept ! I like how you managed to add some lore to quite an gameplay idea.

At some point there are some bugs though, I'm stuck at the level with the text "some objects can be" (the rest is off screen), the hint points me to a position that doesn't work ;(

Ok I know what happened, it's because of how the camera is implemented, I had to cut corners when implementing the camera to make it doable during the timeframe of the jam... It works quite well for most effects, but not those that can be placed on a specific cell, like teleportation, the camera movement prevents you to place it too close from your character ...

I'll try to improve it for the post jam patch that we'll release right at the end of the jam, so stay tuned ! And thanks a lot for your kind words !

Fun idea, but it's a bit too hard for me, I never got a better score than 3...
Maybe just adding some space between the pipes would make it easier to play

Oh my god, it's the exact same idea as our GMTK2021 game, Long Leash ^^'

You took a more hectic approach than us however, the gameplay is totally janky but that's what makes it hilarious. I love especially the animation of the dog ! I'm not sure about the point system though, it did not feel like it really correlated with the havoc I was wrecking. But I don't feel like it was actually important.

I love the intro and the concept ! So random, and so funny !

I find the gameplay pretty cool, but the level design is a bit frustrating, it felt like I was never sure the solution I tried was the good one, and everything required very good execution, which is not a good thing for a puzzle game. And as the character behaviours are a bit janky on purpose, it almost feels like you need to exploit strangeness in their behaviours to solve puzzles.

Hey G0ldent0y ! I remember the sick rhythm shooter game you did last year !
This card game has a pretty interesting concept ! I have to say the first phase where you select your cards is a bit tedious, making a deck of 15 cards is a bit long especially when you don't really know what is good or not. I think it would be more fun to get a default deck and change it as you play.

The colors system is pretty interesting, as others sad it seems like it's not always working properly, but I like the design philosophy ! I think it could become something really cool with some balancing and debug work !

I like this concept a lot ! The execution is really good, and that mix between physics and management is pretty unique, I think it really has potential ! You told me you wanted to push the game further, so here is the feedback I can give you :

- you need to clarify a bit how resources work, I was never sure what the water bar was for
- Physics get a bit too unstable too quickly in my opinion, and there are no real clue on how to balance it properly. It felt to me that my tree was quite balanced, but it started oscillating after a while, and I felt I had no tool to fix it. Maybe you could dampen forces a bit more ? Or maybe you don't even need to actually simulate it with the physics engine, but rather come up with a simpler system that you can balance more easily ?
- In terms of gameplay, I was not sure that with the current balance, the fact that it was physics based had a real effect on the way I built things, because I had very little tools to improve the tree stability. I think that to be interesting, there has to be multiple ways to organise the structure, that have distinct and clear pros and cons. It could maybe be solved by balancing though. Imagine if thickening parts was way costlier, but that it would add a lot of weight, but also making the tree way more solid. It would force the player to spend his resources only on the most critical parts, and making structures with non reinforced branches would be made a bit more possible, but still dangerous.

I think that with changing environment, like storms, having a bigger tree hiding the sun, maybe some diseases attacking some parts of the tree, it could be really interesting. I'm quite curious of what you'll do with it, keep up the good work !

I have to confess, the only reason why I clicked on the game was because of the title. Came for the pun stayed for the gameplay !

The concept is good, and the implementation works really well ! It's great to have so many different units with their own rules ! I think with a little work on the balancing it could become really great !

The next things I'll say are just nitpicks, and things I think you might do in the future if you want to improve your game, so I know it's things you wouldn't have the time to do during the jam timeframe.

- I'm not sure the lanes system is used to its full potential here : except for the towers that can shoot other lanes, there are no interactions between lanes. I think there are a lot of things that could be done here, to give more strategies on how to approach levels : zombies that can change lanes when they meet an obstacle, towers that shoot vertically instead of horizontally,explosions that damage multiple lanes at once... I think it's where the potential of your concept lies, so go bananas with that !
- I found the balance of some zombies a bit off sometimes : shields felt almost invincible, and bombers felt a bit useless, at least I never managed to make them reach a building before taking a hit.
- The tower that has piercing projectiles is pretty interesting, but a bit too strong currently imo. It almost one shots everything that is not a shield zombie

Wether you decide to continue working on this game or not, keep up the good work !

Cool stuff ! I'm not sure why the thief would need to be constantly visible, but it makes sense in terms of gameplay. I like a lot this kind of minimalist esthetic, it's both beautiful and highlight perfectly important gameplay features.
A few things that I think could be improved :
- doors look like they are vision zones, they have the exact same flat red look, which is okay once you know it, but it's not really clear
- I totally missed the indication that there was a dash at the start, so I found the beginning of the game really hard. I discovered its existence by doing random inputs when I got blocked at a point where it was impossible to pass without dashing
- I would add a bit of cooldown to the dash, and make the death take a bit more time, because currently it is necessary to spam it to pass most of the obstacles

Overall, that's a really cool game ! And congrats to the music composer, the soundtrack is pretty immersive !