Did you toggle on "persistent"? It makes sure that the timeline flows even if no sound is currently playing.
Idk, that is just what I had to do for a test project I made :)
yeahh as far as im aware everything is marked persistent.
seems to spit out an event not found exception in webgl when trying to create the instance for the music event. But I don't really get it since the other sfx events play fine. And I've made sure banks were loaded before trying to create the instance.
Edit: .So I guess I wasn't understanding how to properly wait in the code for the banks to load.
Following this helped me do it right I guess, still weird why this is only an issue on WebGL. But boy I just hate FMOD's api.
Too bad can't yet reup it as a WebGL build. I get why they cut off the uploads, but man is it annoying for reasons like this.