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The update’s not out yet - there’s a bit of a backlog of variously exotic issues (some of which are originate from GameMaker bugs/undocumented behaviour/breaking changes) and I’m also refactoring a handful of code to be a little faster for common use cases.

If you can trim down your project to a minimally reproducible case, send me a copy over email - the known issues are:

  • This issue
  • “ignore” checkboxes on instances are not honored.
  • The new sprite speed values are not honored.
  • Named instances no longer work because self is a struct now (and not a constant)
  • ref types in the beta build cause further oddities because there is no function to check if a value is a ref.
  • Effect layer colors no longer work because you can no longer do real(ptr("hex value here"))
  • Sprite assets are added “as seen in the room editor” while GameMaker adds them in reversed order
  • Updater doesn’t watch room creation code files for changes, only the room.