"This game stars Lanni, a young girl who has been taken to another world overrun with evil animated Dice-like creatures who punish gamblers that haven't paid their debts."
Ugh, isekai titles these days... (¬‸¬)
More seriously, this game has a lot of potential, and is very cute! =)
Right now, there's not much to do except throw dice at ennemies hoping for a high score, but I can easily see this being expended upon, with different ennemies, dices, environments, etc.
Visually, nothing to say: the game is very cute, it has his identity, and the animations are very well done! (only bad one is the dice, but honestly it's nothing compared to everything around)
I really like that you created a little backstory for the character, it helps with the uniqueness of the experience ^^
Overall, a great concept, a bit lacking in content, but execution is close to perfect! Excellent job! =D