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(1 edit)

No I got that, thats not what I ment. I ment, that the numbers 1-6 dont really have a connection to Meadow/Snow world /Desert World or FIreball/Healing/Teleport/Increased Speed/Random skill. The player doest know wich number is wich, and even tho they will learn it, the connection is totally arbitrary.

And what i ment with not truly a part of the game, is that your game and procedurally generated ones in general, have a lot of RNGs in them. For example where the crystal spawns also "strongly affects the gameplay including what you can achieve and how", but you don't use a dice for that. And the game wouldn't change at all if "World roll' would just be decided in the background without a dice, and the player just spawns in one of these worlds. 

I think the World Size makes is much better, because I understand, that higher number means larger and I know more about the world generation, than if I didn't see the dice (you cant see the map size when you spawn)

But in general, in a way it doesn't feel like a game with or about dice to me, but more like a game with a procedural maps (like a rougelike)

Of cause its not that important to really make a game about dice, the theme is supposed to me interpreted losely. Just in my opinion (with wich others have allready disagreed with), the theme isn't as meaningfull in your game as in many others