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idk why but i can't find your discord by nickname on fnia golden age page. but i have some enthusiasm to help with this project, so i decided to write you here at least :3

Glad you do. (Eventhough I'm taking a break currently) Just out of interest, how do you wanna help me? ^^

actually i can try many things, but not like i'm good at any of them. i'm already made a 3d sketch of the pizzeria that can be used like a background, maybe draw 2d sketches or maybe even do something in ableton. but like i said i had more intusiasm then skill so it's just like subject to self-development for me.

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I already have an artist, but I think you, like anyone, can help me get some suggestions. Of course there wont be everything but it's still nice to hear your thoughts

anyway, is your discord Perfect Yamal Univay#3756 ? because discord don't find it 

Nope. And currently my discord is more than full enough ^^'

When you want to say something, just do it right here. It's alright 👍

so... in about a few days i made "girls in the closet" art to show both 3D and 2D work i can do. other 3D locations is (more or less) ready too.
Now, if this thing interested you, i'll continue working on scenes and other unles you out of your vacation.

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This looks actually interesting, though a bit weird, we all start somewhere XD

I would love to see more of your work, but 3D isn't really useful for my game.

ok then, i just thought that it might help main artist with backgrounds. Anyway, then i will rather just draw scetch for artist to redraw and plot for scenarist to think. 
But with that i had some problems. Because to help artist i probably shall contact with her/him/etc (and maybe artist don't need help). And for plot i just worry about potencial spoilers, that may be apear if some ideas will fit.

If I can reach him, I'll ask. Could take a while though till he responds.