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(1 edit) (+1)


Super innovative gameplay! Extremely unique take on a puzzle platformer.

Love the idea of being a dice going through inspection and telling that story through gameplay mechanics.

The sound design and atmospheric background music gave a very chilling creepy vibe too.

And the little flavor text in the screens when you lose before you start the level again was an amazing touch, really brought me into the game's world.


Unfortunately the graphics let this game down a bit, they weren't badly done, but didn't seem to fit the theme or the dark gloomy atmosphere that the story, gameplay, and audio created. Definitely hurt my immersion into the story that every other aspect was conveying. Good sprites, wrong game to use them in.

There was a bit of a large difficulty jump, at least for me. Could have had more levels to slowly introduce techniques to solving puzzles, but as its a game jam, I understand it's probably too much to ask.

If you end up developing this into a full game, consider taking a look at Portal for how to slowly introduce puzzle solving concepts one level at a time until you've built up the player's skills and techniques enough that you can give them harder puzzles that the previous levels will have trained them to make sure they'll have the skillset to handle anything you throw at them.

One of the more unique games of the jam, and extremely impressive for your first ever jam. Well done! Hopefully you enjoyed making it, and will continue to participate in more game jams!

Thank you for the support and constructive criticism!
1. I agree, we messed up on the graphics aspect of things because of miscommunication between me and the coder and I take the blame for that. I didn't know how to make the type of tileset he was asking me to make which resulted in the wonky graphics.
2. We were planning a much bigger experience with a lot more levels, cutscenes and a more stable difficulty curve but we realized too late that it was out of our scope. Let's say we fell for the oldest trick in the Game Jam book haha.

Thank you for enjoying our game tho! We brainstormed a lot to come up with a unique mechanic and we're glad that people can see the potential in it! Have a good day :D