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I'll look into Aggy/Daggy quest having issues, but I might've fixed that just now when fixing the Traders. If not, I'll be sure to adress that obviously. Same with Wolgis Doll, and other quests being unfinishable, I had a small issue with some choices not displaying in general.

In general Quests only give you XPRewards, are you sure you completed Damas' Quest? The Supplies in the cave aren't the final ones he's looking for, you'll have to find out who did it. Might not be clear enough from the Text itself.

I also look into a journal updated text. It might be fixed already, but probably not. Did that happen when picking up the Head, or during some other time?

Using ESC in the save menu should be fixed now, I forgot to hook it up. If it still doesn't work in the new version, I forgot to hook it up again, and just thought I did.

By the finished Quest thing I'm assuming you'd like them to not just disappear from the Journal, but have a finished Quest section or something in there? I'll see if I can add that in without too much hassle.

Thank you very very much for playing again, I'll be sure to look through the screenshots etc. aswell.


Ah right, no I did not finish Damas' quest. I didn't realize there was more to it after that.

For Lico's quest it was when first talking to him.

About the quest journal, yeah either a section with completed quests or a last entry that says you've completed it or just greying out the quest title and sorting them at the bottom of the list. Any of those would be a nice QoL thing I believe.