Wow, this game blew me away. It was very polished, everything seemed to work well, instructions were well-made and clear, and also planned out properly so the face of the die needed lands perfectly with what was being presented (that was good tutorial design). Though this puzzle mechanic was not unique in the jam, there was a good and unique twist to it. I like that the faces of the die can be imprinted with different types of elements, each with their own unique abilities that can present a challenge on their own. There were enough levels to keep me entertained, the camera movement worked very well (though sometimes it was hard to see things at all angles).
The artstyle, the music, and the sound effects were also very well-made, it suits the environment very well, and each type of effect are easily distinguishable. The puzzles are challenging enough, but still pretty easy... Could definitely see this being expanded into a full game. There isn't really much criticism I can give here. Well done!