This is just mesmerizing!
Any% looks incredibly fast and cool, and minimal jump run with only 5 jumps is something we haven’t even thought was possible. Thank you very much for the great effort!!
We are actually working on postjam update and will think about fixing some of the bugs leading to this incredible jumpskip techniques, but the input lag between animation will be taken care of too, so the speedlimit might actually get even higher… kinda terrifying :>
We will be happy to reach out and have your opinion on some ways the game work right now, to not fix the fun out of our game speedrun-wise. Feel free to DM me on discord if you are interested! Thanks in advance!
Also, we will commit to speedrun friendly approach, fix timer, add record board and all that important stuff we couldn’t code in time for the jam. New levels too! We hope they will be as enjoyable to speedrun as current levels