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Thanks for all the feedback! Yea the enemies sapping luck based on proximity was a real last-minute add haha, they didn't have any form of attack and I ran out of time, so that came to me as an idea at the last minute, it could certainly use some better visual feedback to show what is happening. There is also some sort of bug with the weapons if you stop firing before running out of ammo, couldn't nail down what was causing it and thankfully it didn't interfere with the gameplay much. I had not come across getting stuck on top of an enemy however, so that's actually super helpful, I'll definitely have to look into what's causing that. 

And yea more visual feedback in general for the weapons and overall game is something I would have loved to spend more time on, ironically I actually spent like two hours designing a system so the faked rolling (the dice rolling is totally faked as rotating colliders + physics gets really annoying from a player control perspective) would have the dice always land on a face when they stop, but, then I didn't actually do anything with it XD

Really appreciate you taking the time to check out the game and give such thorough feedback! Thanks!


No prob 👍
And about the getting stuck on enemies thing, it was because when you throw the sorry mines and you get thrown into the air you can technically land on an enemy. Might not be a big deal if it was just one but I landed inbetween a few and just kept rolling for a while.