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Hey thanks for letting me know about the fix! as I said last time I really like the style of the game, and I enjoyed getting better at the game the more I played. In the beginning of the game it feels a bit unfair with how often your attacks miss, so maybe you could have it where it just deals reduced damage instead to make It a bit more rewarding. I do like how you can play as different characters, it makes the replay-ability much higher (I liked the mele guy the most). The only other things I would change is when you die you go straight back to level one which also is a bit disheartening, so maybe you could have some sort of currency that you collect during the game and those could be spent to revive the player at their current level (similar to some Zelda games), and maybe add in collision to the enemies so they can't just phase through walls (it makes it rather hard to hit them in some instances). I wasn't quite able to beat the dragon, but I got there a few times, and found it quite fun and enjoyable, so keep it up! This type of game us really expandable so you could add in more enemies and bosses etc. Thanks again!