Nice job, has a really cool visual style and presentation.
The movement can feel a bit stiff, which makes it hard to avoid enemies. Although the animations were nice to jumping / spinning in air.
There is also a bit of jank to the weapons, like being against a wall a shooting will just cause the projectile to break immediately. I also think that the red projectile was meant to bounce, but it only ever did so seemingly randomly.
The Red projectile was clearly the strongest, I think there could be some more balancing with the weapons to make them all equal. Maybe try to make them all make the player play differently.
Like the red one bounces, but maybe does more damage if it bounces first, which reflects its characteristic of Focus. Green being hope, could maybe buff the player in some way, maybe standing on top of the green color would make the player shoot their weapons faster. The Blue for peace could maybe have the projectiles stay out longer, and make the barrier between the projectiles that stop enemies from moving. Just random thoughts.
Cool Game!