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Got 393 kills! (the laser is the absolute beast haha)

Very interesting take on the limitation, not because of the concept itself, but in the way that it was done. Getting blasted away because of the recoil, shooting yourself with a bullet that wraps around the screen and frying yourself accidentally because you don't know how to control the laser was incredibly fun.

I would keep trying again and again because I felt responsible for each of my own deaths (meaning I could try again and do better, right? haha)

When I started playing I laughed so hard because I thought the character was a gun (like a turret), and when I saw it jumping I said "what? It's a jumping gun?". Then after some time I noticed that there was a character holding the weapons lol.

The palette and art overall are super good. The way the colors change when you switch weapons reminded me of older atari games that swapped palettes around a lot. I don't have any extra feedback, maybe showing the current score while you play would be neat, but other than that, the game is really solid, and the music is a blast. Excellent job!