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I've had a long break (several months) and came back two weeks ago to this game. Last message I saw on this forum was nearly 200 days old. Back then there were issues I see that are still issues, such as tower chests not giving silver coins at the beginning of events. If this was a known and widely reported issue months ago and it's still there, then there's no excuse for you guys at Hooligaps. But, you did make strides in other departments. The more it changes the more things are the same, however. It all comes down to one word, one simple word I've been flashing and wagging in your faces all these months ago...


I'll play devil's advocate here, you did a good change by increasing HP for everyone. However, it was WAAAAAY too much. I passed from 19k to 640k overnight because of this. Maybe increasing twofold or threefold would've been far more than enough. 

But the main point here is, make things more BALANCED, not more insane. Nobody likes it when it's too extreme. Plus, you had so many other things to fix before impementing these kinds of changes. Back then at least you listened to players, at least a bit, now it seems you're just willfully blinding yourselves to the real issues at hand. Fix your game, Hooligaps, you stand to lose your entire fanbase before even completing a decent game that's so full of potential.

I really do think I speak on behalf of most, if not all the players out here by saying all this. These were issues months ago, they still are today. I might get back to another 200 days break if this keeps up...