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August Update Sticky

A topic by Hooligart created Aug 03, 2022 Views: 5,965 Replies: 64
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Developer (1 edit) (-7)
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Hero, today the following changes come into force:

•All HP rewarded to the heroes for reaching levels has been significantly increased to match the previous changes of the maidens' damage. Along with that we've modified the balance of monsters in the dungeons. World Bosses' balance will be changed in the next patch.

A hero whose turn will be the first one in all PvP battles (Tower and Colosseum) will now be selected randomly. Given that, a hero who performs the second turn will be compensated with 3 charge gems for each active skill.

The Shop now has daily, weekly, and monthly offers. There, among other things, you can buy new cards, toys, Libido Dust, Viagra, and a Mythic Pack with selectable rewards.

The patch is already in the game. Waiting for your feedback
It is possible that further fixes will be made. While we are testing the new mechanics


This looks like way too much HP given to players , a single tower fight would take forever ; I don't know for other players but over 900K of hp is  a bit much 


Kudos to player who using NON-WATER setup! :thumbsup

Agreed. I just played a tower this morning after being gone for a full week due to work. What should have been a 3-7 minute, maybe 10 minutes if I played at 100% strategy, took almost 45 minutes. That,s way too long, given that I looked at his hit points & knew I was going to lose.

Swear, the devs hate earth deck. I main earth deck and water gets all the OP updates.


The game works, people like it, so why not make it an unplayable mess..great....


A lot of players didn't like the new coin flip mechanics but this HP update ... is something else entirely. To say that it broke the game completely is to say nothing at all. All I gonna say now is that I really, really hope there is some kind of bug and instead of a whooping ~1600% !!! HP increase it was supposed to be something like 16% or so. I mean why would you even introduce the coin flip mechanics in the first place if now a single fight takes a million of turns to complete so it no longer matters at all who goes first. Oh and the heart gems still heal you for a +25 HP each lol.

So right takes 10-20 min for one battle. This HP update is ridiculously dumb.


How to kill a nice game in 2 days.. Part2.


lol , true


Agree with what everyone has said. 

Takes nearly an hour for a fight and don't see the point. 

Also, I didn't have any damage increase on the prior announcement, so maybe that's part of the issue... but I mean, I didn't need a 36x increase to HP in the tower especially since opponents went up exactly the same.




Y'know, I don't think yelling and cussing will help in any way, shape or form at this point...


How am I suppose to compete with battles like this? All day long haven't won a battle because I am against ppl that do over 60k a hit every swing on me and my best is  6k....WTF did you  do to the game?

you must be new LOL, and even if you could compete it takes 20 min to complete a pvp fight.

could you guys introduce some kind of match making that people of the same level match with each other. especially when pvp is not even pvp , it's (p v bot)


congratulations! today I quit this game. This update is completely retarded. A battle now takes...actually, I'm not sure. I gave up after 3 rounds. My opponents have 1M+ to my 300k HP, which is not completely IMPOSSIBLE to beat!! 

You guys are idiots!


they could have added daily rewards, daily quests/missions , weekly awards, additions to the market, but no adding 900K of HP was the addition that everyone got, I tottaly get that some ppl may want to make the fights a bit longer , a bit more enjoyable but this is way too much I am a level 36 player & I almost played most of the events and yet I am struggling -_- hard to imagine what  the new players are dealing with this new update !

i had 58k now i have 2.5 million hp

And if your total attack damage works out to less that 5K per round, ( the only time I went over 5K damage was when I had all the girls primed for special attack) that's going to be a long fight.

my base damage is 4k if i make at least 6 gems (doubles) i deal 16k damage

OMG! This change will kill the game for me. I used to spend way too much time on this, but now each game takes absolutely ages.
In trying out the change, I bothered to beat Octopus in Dungeons, but it's going to take me forever to get through my first PvP in Tower.  I'm part way through it and I'm bored out of my mind.

I'll check in again in a few days to see if the game is somewhat back to playable, but otherwise I'm out.


I've had a long break (several months) and came back two weeks ago to this game. Last message I saw on this forum was nearly 200 days old. Back then there were issues I see that are still issues, such as tower chests not giving silver coins at the beginning of events. If this was a known and widely reported issue months ago and it's still there, then there's no excuse for you guys at Hooligaps. But, you did make strides in other departments. The more it changes the more things are the same, however. It all comes down to one word, one simple word I've been flashing and wagging in your faces all these months ago...


I'll play devil's advocate here, you did a good change by increasing HP for everyone. However, it was WAAAAAY too much. I passed from 19k to 640k overnight because of this. Maybe increasing twofold or threefold would've been far more than enough. 

But the main point here is, make things more BALANCED, not more insane. Nobody likes it when it's too extreme. Plus, you had so many other things to fix before impementing these kinds of changes. Back then at least you listened to players, at least a bit, now it seems you're just willfully blinding yourselves to the real issues at hand. Fix your game, Hooligaps, you stand to lose your entire fanbase before even completing a decent game that's so full of potential.

I really do think I speak on behalf of most, if not all the players out here by saying all this. These were issues months ago, they still are today. I might get back to another 200 days break if this keeps up...


My god how to kill a game with 1 update .for 1 the health upgrade just makes fights take forever which i hate  and my attacks are what they were before the update which was between if I got all my deck to use there was about 70k which is still the same after the update but who I am against there attacks are way up in the 300k to 700k range .I literally cant be bothered to even try to do a fight as I haven't a hope of winning with the kind of damage i am up[ against.please fix this ASAP please


Why ? Like why would you do this to such awesome game  ... I will forget the major issues this update caused me for a while to mention this first.....

Why the fk would you change something that was almost the entire charm of the game which  I mean the short but satisfying combats... But u killed the whole joy of players with this...

Now why I personally hate it.......

I used to be in league 7 ( now in 8) my cards have around 180 damage points each but in tower my opponents have 300 + each and somehow do almost 5k DMG everytime...

I have 36.4k hp but get paired with opponents of 160k+ hp sometimes even 570k +

How am I supposed to play anymore?


Balance team trying to "balance" the game...

yeah!  I can understand that "one-click-fight" is kinda boring, but this is definitely too much. Spending 40 min just to get 400 gold  and 4 Common chests? That's not really enjoyable,..

For me shortest fight so far was 2.5 min, longest 12 min,  but mostly its around 8 min.  

Now, to complete   " Get 500 gold",  " Get 1200 gold",  " Get 4800 gold",  " Get 6400 gold"  quests will take about 40min, 2 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours of constant grind accordingly! Which make Event Mythic card unreachable completely! You NEEED    to SCALE rewards at least 5 TIMES  !

And good luck to guys who trying   to reach DL...

this update sooooooo bad , you killed the game , now the most of players will leave this game


All HP rewarded to the heroes for reaching level has been significantly increased

Firstly, such a "reward" looks like a curse. Why, name at least one reason WHY players need 1 million HP? To fight bosses? So WHY do bosses need so many hp??? I think that with this level of card damage, the maximum HP should be 100-200k for players with the maximum level. match the previous changes of the maidens' damage.

So, you have increased HP by adjusting it to the damage and are not going to increase the damage? And now I have to fight the enemy for half an hour to get a puny chest that will give me 100 gold and 20 ordinary cards? Oh wow, if you're lucky, then 10 rare or 5 legendary, wow!

A hero whose turn will be the first one in all PvP battles (Tower and Colosseum) will now be selected randomly. Given that, a hero who performs the second turn will be compensated with 3 charge gems for each active skill.

No kidding, this is a good fix. Yes, it makes the fight a little longer, but also adds acceptable complexity. The key word is acceptable, unlike a million health opponents.
Personally, I will wait for the boss fights to change. But with each update, the desire to quit the game is growing.


Guys don't pass by, speak out and more minuses in their August update, the game is good, it's a pity if they close it. Two is very little, the only way they will turn their attention and maybe start fixing something.


Good morning, you wanted feedback, well you've got it. I have signed up to share my displeasure with the decision making behind this latest update.

Are you trying to completely alienate your target audience? How is it so hard to keep a game like this viable to attract new players and ultimately new customers? Decisions like this make no damn sense and serve to drive away anybody who might one day stumble across this title and want to play it.

I have been silent during updates in the past that hindered my ability to make any real progress, as a free player I didn't feel it was my place to complain against things since I'm not giving you any money for this title, I was content to keep chugging along with my limited ability and manage my deck based on what I could do during events. Without Pussy Market I never would have gotten some of the Legendary or Mythic event cards and even then I'm still missing quite a few, but that's not a real big problem for my play style. I just want to make some progress and enjoy my time spent with the title, I'm not trying to complete everything.

That being said, this update is going to drive away all of your free players, I can't do enough damage to win anymore even with my cheap ass Water Deck set up. I know it's a cheat, but it's the only way I could get into League 1 in the Tower, still haven't cracked the Dirty League yet, and it was the only way I could amass enough items in the Coliseum to help with event quests.

Now I won't even be able to manage that, no more keys for early chests, no more items to revive monsters to get through the tedious events faster so I can maybe get to the Legendary Girl, never mind the Mythic, I've never had enough time to open one of those rooms even when I was playing as much as I could.

This decision is extremely incomprehensible. If the goal is to attract more big spenders then you are going about this the entirely wrong way, you have a decent basic start for the game, but rather than upgrade and add new features in a smart and practical fashion from a business standpoint, you follow the cookie cutter guide to AAA loot box style games in the hopes of attracting more sheep to be fleeced.

It would have made more sense to add some kind of subscription Premium membership that added new features only paying members could get access to, something like alternate towers for the tower fights, the option to actually interact and manipulate the hero and 'his girls' the ability to incorporate specialty cards that involved fighting monsters that match your character's level so you have to develop better strategies than just spamming water deck all the time and hoping for a victory. I've seen that you can make event monsters match player's levels in the Pussy Market fights, so don't tell me you couldn't adjust the game to include something like that.

Throw in the option to have girl heroes and I might, might have been tempted to pay for a membership, because hey, us dirty league folks have a reason for being here  besides the basic puzzle game on offer here and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

There was a lot of ways to get people invested enough to actually pay for a game like this besides the stupid pay to win style and if I had half the programming ability as the folks in charge of this title I'd make that game for myself, because as it stands now your title is sorely lacking. Nobody in their right mind is going to dump thousands of dollars into this just to achieve even one victory against a player who does 400K damage with all abilities when you can only manage a measly 70K with your deck. And if this is some way to get people switching out of the all water strategy and using stuff like the Earth Girls or others with abilities that nerf water girl damage you have definitely missed the boat on that one.

I can't make a single victory in the tower anymore, my damage output is crap and I'm not going to suddenly decide to pay money for more in-came cash and more in-game girl cards just to bump up my decks. I've got better things to spend my money on that involve, you know, actual progression.

Unlike other games this one captured my attention for far longer, as it stands now, I might keep jumping on to receive my chests and my free 250 G every four hours, but I don't think I'll be making much progress through any future events.

Speaking of which, another thing only for premium members could have been a different type of quest, something more rewarding that gives you larger numbers of legendary cards for more challenging notions than merely boring and cheap grindfests.

Overall that is my opinion on this latest update, I am extremely displeased with the state of affairs and find your choices perplexing and extremely not business saavy for attracting new customers. Take it or leave it as you see fit. Good day.


I'm not sure what the point of the coin toss is, since there is no gain or penalty for the result of a battle for the defender.  Even though the defender is a randomly selected player, his deck is controlled by the AI and win or lose, his tower score does not change.

Who goes first therefore, only affects the attacker. When the attacker got first turn every time. I had a 30:1 win ratio. Now that attackers don't always go first, that win ratio is now maybe 6:1 (well, it was that until I woke up one morning and my 55k life had suddenly become 2.3 million). 

I understand PvP balancing, but when there is only risk and reward for one side of a contest, then balancing has no value. The defender risks nothing and is rewarded nothing regardless of the outcome, while the attacker has 50 points on the line every time.  Increasing my chances of losing 50 points doesn't balance anything, and just makes the game more tedious and time-consuming.


And while we're on the subject of making the game more tedious and time-consuming...

What genius thought it would be a good idea to multiply everyone's life by a factor of 40?! I went from having a little over 55,000 life to having 2,310,000 life! The weakest opponent I have drawn in the Tower so far had 544,000 life. It took 6 turns to whittle him down to zero! Six turns! Before this update, that same guy probably had maybe 14,000 life. One turn and done, two minutes, who's next?

I don't need to re-state what others have already stated before me. With all the animations, a single tower fight can take a half-hour or even longer! I don't have that much free time to piss away on this or any other game. I'm a free player, and thank God I am, because if I had real money invested in this game, I would be madder than a wet cat. At least I can walk away without feeling like I've flushed perfectly good cash down the toilet.

Seriously, do you guys bother with testing this stuff before you implement it? This needs an immediate roll-back.

(1 edit) (+5)

I never wrote, but now I will. I have invested a lot of money in this game. A couple of weeks ago - First of all, new girls disappeared from Pussy Market - too bad, because that was the whole point. Then they introduced randomness into pvp - who will start first - idiocy. Yesterday I went into the game and saw that the life of the hero is now not 20-30 thousand - but now millions of hp. Bitch idiots. Played twice - the first time 15 minutes one pvp match - lost. The second time, also 20 minutes, I won and they gave me 111 gold for it. In 20 minutes I got 111 gold. Moron . Carl, who let the idiot into this wonderful game? I'm sorry, but that make me sick. Please return everything as it was 2 months ago. or i'm leaving this game .  Thx .


I posted earlier in this thread with all the same comments that have been made here by's literally impossible to win a fight in the tower as your opponent can kill you in  2 or 3 turns as we can do fuck all damage against them yet they can annihilate us every time they have their special attacks built up. The worst thing is none of the devs of the game have commented on any feedback given here so for me unless they come back and reply I'm done with the game tbh. there's no enjoyment playing the thing atm. world bosses are meant to fixed in the next update but it we can't get a win in the tower how the hell is fixing the health of the world bosses going to be any good if they can 1 shot players with 1 attack but this update has just ruined the game in my opinion. Devs you need to rollback the update to the previous version and REPLY TO YOUR PLAYER BASE ASAP with what is going on as this no reply crap is just pissing your player base off really really big time  so come on guys catch on and reply to your players as to what the fuck is going on


Let me tell you how to make the game better. Reverse all the changes you made this week. While you are at it, reverse the changes to Pussy Market also. Lastly, hire a better project manager that actually knows what he's doing.


nothing like going into a match and the other person gets the first turn and I make my moves and only do like max 10k damage and the other person does like 360k the next really what in actual fuck is a new player like me suppose to do against a person like that? Since the update I haven't won one match for a chest at all, how am I suppose to upgrade anything to get to a higher level with the bullshit you have done to this game? If you don't fix this I am done and way to ruin a game I just started playing like 5 months ago

Lmao! You're playing against a water deck is a joke. All they need is 6 lvl1 water bubbles to wipe you out.


Guys, for those, who still can not see a hidden message, behind all these updates, let me translate, what developers try to tell us. The message from them is simple: " If you don't pay for the game, get the sh8t out of here and shut your mouth".

If you think, I'm joking, let's take a closer look at a fact.

1) Let's go a couple of months back.

Problem:  Free To Play customers were complaining, that this is impossible to get the Mythic cards and it's difficult for them to compete with Pay To Play gamers

Solution: New update, after which Upgraded Mythic cards don't effect on the damage of Legenday (an lower cards) anymore.

Consequences: Nowfor FTP gamers it's getting even harder to compete.

2) Month ago.

Problem:  Free To Play customers were asking to replace the "Open the *** chest in the tower" during the Pussy Market events, because it depends on a luck, and it's difficult to buy a Mythic card.

Solution #1: double the cost for the missing cards.

Solution #2 (right after many complaints): Remove the possibility to buy missing cards.

Solution #3 (right after many complaints): Remove the Pussy Market itself.

Consequences. now it's possible to buy missing cards for real money only (99.9 $).

3) Now. 

Problem: People don't like new updates with the Flipping the coin mechanic, because now only luck decides who will go first. And (in common) the 90% possibility to win drops to 60-70%, which leads us to the main problem: if before that we spent 1 minute on one fight and we could get 95 gold for the min ( 95 gold per minute), now we need 1-4 minute to get these precious 95 gold (just a little reminder, I need 10K+ gold to level up any of my cards, which I use for a game)

Solution: Add 100500 K half point to every player, and make one fight go for 5-10 minutes when the reward is the same 95 gold. 

Consequences. 95 gold per 10 minutes ( give it or take).


After all these updates only one group of players feel ok: those who don't give a shit about the amount of gold per fight, because they can spend a bunch of money on their cards in the store.

At the look at their attitude to customers, Event after event the same problem: the first 8 hours are impossible to move further the "open the event chest" but we still have a lot of players who gain thousands of coins simply because of they pay for it.  A lot of bugs haven't been fixed more than for a year. I know it because I play more than 1,5 year, so I see the very same problems every time. 

By the way, after the update, it is much easier to climb the tower (League 1), because new gamers are not that active anymore.

So...seems like their logic is simple: "you don't pay money, so say thank you at least that you are still allowed to play our precious game, shut the fork up and be who you were born to be: a piece of garbage that is easy to be kicked for those, who deserve kicking people - guys with money".

Do you still believe they care about us?

Do you still think this game is worth playing it?

Do you really want to tolerate this attitude towards you?

If yes, I don't surprise that projects like this still exist


I'm not surprised if that is the case because it's pretty clear to me that the game developers don't care about maintaining a steady flow of new customers. If they continue with this attitude this will probably just turn into another Town of Sins or what have you that they've also developed, not worth wasting time on.

(1 edit) (+2)

1. HP super upgrade for all players largely cancels out the whole point of PVP coin update (an elephant and mouse fight will always end up as win for elephant even if Mouse has sharper stick). Girl atk and player HP has become more unbalanced than previously.

Making every Tower Fight as World Boss Fight is not enjoyable in the long run for any player.

2.Fun and intriguing part of Colosseum event was - to match up your cards with different player options. Now huge player HP just crushes this fact and in addition, you need luck at start as well lol.

LUCK WTF? Remove coin toss from Colosseum fights. Colosseum fights are NOT Tower PVP fights.

3.Provide free gems (atleast 150) in girls event, so that large number of players can finish event goals for gold in easier way.

NOTE: It is best if you could rollover the recent update changes to old mechanism as these changes are prematurely applied in my opinion (there are still lots of girl card with pending ability upgrade).

Now, I no longer have same excitement for new event start and only reason to not quit the game is because of the amount of time I have invested previously.


Just let it go, bro. Be like Elsa - Let it go. That's exactly what they wait for from us - to tolerate everything, because we spent so much time on it.  I believe, in nowadays society, this kind of relationship is called abusive


I wanted to go into the details of what exactly went wrong with the last update (since by now it is obvious the devs made it intentionally) but then I figured I shouldn't even bother so I'll just sum it up in short: the game is no longer fun to play! All the aspects that made the fights fun and enjoyable were butchered by HP update completely.

It puzzles me how can the devs expect increased monetization if they make a game no fun to play basically for everyone and especially for new players? I think instead they'll see existing players (both free and paying) abandoning the game in droves and retention of new ones sharply declining.

That's what I did after trying the last update - I lost all the interest in the game and stopped playing (after enjoying the game for several weeks and looking forward to the next girls event).


Colosseum is up.  Good luck everyone.


oh yes.. but now they added alot more steps to reach the final libido gems.. this shit is a joke.. im out.

It will take a lot long for each fight.  Does the map have more steps?


Hell NO ! it will take me till next week to finish the 1st three colosseum

Colosseum Event = Colossal jump in difficulty level from EASY mode to HELL mode. 

More Time consuming; Less rewards earned; NO FUN = which genius in team has given this suggestion for this change? 

JUST directly decrease the rewards if you do not want to give reward items to large player base OR increase the number of applause required to earn reward.  Why to change in the most ugly way possible so that no one can have fun.


Yeah...they are deaf or blind...or both. Good luck guys, I'm leaving. The money I could spend on money, I'd rather spend on traveling. You are sick, guys. Get some professional help. 

or just ignorant, which is most likely. Devs care only about money, they make those "games" in few day with already created assets, thats btw second if not third iteration of DL. They will just "create" next from some time after this one will die completely.


С этими обновлениями, игра стала полным отстоем , в колизее играть не возможно . Обычные и редкие девки там не нужны с ними проигрываешь . Бой затягивается на 30-50 мин.  =(((


I don't post this suggestion lightly because I do like the game the way it was before this week's updates, and this could shut it down if you guys go through with it, but only if the developers keep ignoring the problems they have created.

Pay to win players should stop paying. The new updates make it so you guys have to play dozens of times to win, when in the past you would have completed the event in that time. These updates make this game as bad for you as it is for the free to play people. The only way the developers will listen is if the money grab fails and backfires.

I am not suggesting this because I am a FTP player and want easy victories for nothing. I am suggesting this because the time it takes for any result in the battles is too long for everyone, including PTP players.


You see this? It took 32 turns to resolve this fight! 32!! That's just one fight! That's ludicrous, ridiculous, absurd, and insane, all at the same time.

I don't care if you're a payer or a free player, ain't nobody got time for that... Someone tell me I'm wrong. (Pro tip: I'm not wrong)

oh BTW, yesterday I  had a "fight" with guy nicknamed "Moutaneer", he had 3500k HP and 5 Mythic set. He won in 3d turn (mine was 2d), as it was before that HP boost update. So probably all that hustle for few "players" like him.

Deleted 2 years ago

Я сомневаюсь что эти жадные долбоебы хотя бы вернут все как было раньше,потеряя эту игру а это одна из самых играемых их игр как я понимаю  прийдет пиз..ец и ихнему хуйлигарту .Всем спасибо за посты и не донатьте в подобные игры.

конечно нет, они врядли даже читают посты здесь. Но и  хуйлигарту  тоже ничего не станет, они на том дерьме миллионы баксов делают (100к в сутки, согласно статистике), эту игру забросят, как забросили CuntWars - склепают новую за пару дней, и снова здарова. Это такая модель бизнеса.


nah, I'm not going even start Colosseum.. Just thinking about all those toys and setup reshuffling, just  to loose on low levels makes me sick. I played a bit after "update", and telling ya, just to get 4 Common chests is not fun at all.

This game broken and dead, get us next one. 

PS: all suggestions from fellow players,  obviously, thrown in toilet, devs don't give a damn shit about community and project itself.


great job guys. i just love the fact i have to spend 45 mins to clear one of the weaker collossus fights. 

Awesome bud, I'm also a earth deck player.

This is ridiculous, I whittle away health of a person with equal health to me at the equivalent of five K max for every forty minutes, is that the reason why the health of the hero was fucked up? So instead of actually playing this game we just pay to get all the cards, toys, items and unlocks? I don't think anybody is that stupid to even do something like that. It'd be throwing good money after bad and a complete waste of resources, even the most hopeless of online game players isn't desperate enough to just pay money to get things, and if they are then they are seriously lost.

Thanks a lot for locking me into a fight in the second coliseum with a battle that will take at least four hours to finish. Really glad that such an idea was implemented for this game. I can walk away and come back and spend the entire event just fighting this one battle, unless the other player just quits out of boredom. Can that even happen? Who knows, who cares.

By the way, that was sarcasm incase you couldn't tell. Pretty sure you're just going to continue being obtuse about this, but I can be just as obtuse. Let's see how long it takes for my opponent to finally just quit out of the damn battle.

You're not playing against another player in real time. A player is chosen by the system, and the AI runs that player's deck against you.

(1 edit) (+1)

So looks likes the devs don't care. It's annoying to see they can't even bother to say that things are staying the same. Think this is another Hoolig game I'm opting out from. 

But anyway, I was going to skip Colosseum, but saw I could get those 6 quick opens on common boxes by doing just the most basic. 

Since it was clear I wasn't going to waste time doing the whole thing, I just gathered the strongest deck. Took 20 minutes as opposed to the normal 45 for a tower fight (ps, I purposefully leveled down to League 2 to see if it got better. Answer is no). 

Thing is, after one play into the Colosseum I suddenly laughed.... why would I need an auto-open? As it stands now, takes so long for a tower fight that any common achieved is ready to open when I'm done with a fight. 

Everything is pretty ludicrous. Bejewelled anyone? 

Doubt anything will change, but gonna logout til Tuesday I guess. 

In the discord group some guy said he gathered the feedback needed and sent to the devs.. so its a matter of time to see if they revert changes or not.. if not i will say good bye and never log in again. just wait some more time. 


This is great news. Let's hope they at least hear us out... 

Seems to me like Hooligaps are here just to send announcements, but if you want to give feedback, this doesn't seem like the spot they look at the most.

Playing against a water deck in this new HP update. Especially in the tower fight, really!!!. There no way to beat them. If your a new player might as will quit.