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A member registered Nov 28, 2021

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Hoo boy... Here we go again...

While these fixes help, they are still insufficient. I end up with three times less HP than after the last update, which is a start, but stil waaaay too much. Then, I realize one of the biggest resulting bugs is how much you heal with heart gems; only 75 points for 3 regular gems when I have above 270k HP? What do you want me to do with that?

Three fights in the tower, all against players with 1800k + HP. All with about 10 times the attack power I have, I can barely muster a 5k attack while I got hit by -- NO KIDDING -- 1.9M damage on one turn. All three matches were against full mythic decks whose lower attack values were around 1.2k (my best card is at 500 attack). Nothing I can do there but lose over and over and over and over and over again until I drop out of League 1 through 4, according to my estimations. 

While the immense gold reward was appreciated, I starting leveling up most of my cards I used in my deck, as well as those with rarity under said cards, in order to boost them as much as I could. Each level could get me a measly 3-5 attack bonus, which is ridiculously low. So, in essence, the gold bonus ended up being totally useless despite me leveling up maybe 20 cards.

"By popular demand" you should have fixed more than just lowering HP and give us gold. Nothing is fixed yet. It's a step in the right direction, but such a ridiculously poorly thought-out and tiny step that I consider quitting right here and now. Shame, the art of the characters was far and beyond much of whatever hentai I could find on the internet, and I just loved it.

I might think it over some more, but consider me 98% out of the door once and for all.

This is great news. Let's hope they at least hear us out... 

Seems to me like Hooligaps are here just to send announcements, but if you want to give feedback, this doesn't seem like the spot they look at the most.

Y'know, I don't think yelling and cussing will help in any way, shape or form at this point...

I've had a long break (several months) and came back two weeks ago to this game. Last message I saw on this forum was nearly 200 days old. Back then there were issues I see that are still issues, such as tower chests not giving silver coins at the beginning of events. If this was a known and widely reported issue months ago and it's still there, then there's no excuse for you guys at Hooligaps. But, you did make strides in other departments. The more it changes the more things are the same, however. It all comes down to one word, one simple word I've been flashing and wagging in your faces all these months ago...


I'll play devil's advocate here, you did a good change by increasing HP for everyone. However, it was WAAAAAY too much. I passed from 19k to 640k overnight because of this. Maybe increasing twofold or threefold would've been far more than enough. 

But the main point here is, make things more BALANCED, not more insane. Nobody likes it when it's too extreme. Plus, you had so many other things to fix before impementing these kinds of changes. Back then at least you listened to players, at least a bit, now it seems you're just willfully blinding yourselves to the real issues at hand. Fix your game, Hooligaps, you stand to lose your entire fanbase before even completing a decent game that's so full of potential.

I really do think I speak on behalf of most, if not all the players out here by saying all this. These were issues months ago, they still are today. I might get back to another 200 days break if this keeps up...

Hmm that's weird, I just found out what mission I wanted before actually looking here, and it fell on #27 for me, Obtain any 30 legendary cards. Thing is, I was saving a legendary chest for that x) Many thanks still! (I'm currently at #28, not sure I'll make it in time for the mythic card unfortunately...)

Hey let's play "help out a broski" here shall we? I'm wondering if there's still that 'gather any X legendary cards' mission still up there somewhere, if someone saw it go by, can you tell me how many and when does it show up? Like, 2nd or 3rd mission after unlocking the legendary card? That'll help me A LOT to know ahead of time, thanks in advance! :)

I've had the same problem, it was more a generalized problem that's now supposed to be fixed. Do you still have this problem?

It occurs to me it happens at every event to a few players, this is something that should be adressed for future events. Heck, I'd at least have the rare card already by now, and would be well under way to the epic one. Kinda frustrating TBH. Although, in retrospect I'm glad it didn't happen more often to me on earlier events, but still.

Just checking in: am I the only one who can't even get to the first fight of the event? It just loads endlessly. Maybe it's just because too many people try to access the event all at once, but just in case, can you guys check it out on your end? I'd appreciate that, thanks a lot!

BTW these girls sure are lookin' good! Looking forward to see them in action!

(1 edit)

If anything when you open a chest, first click on the "Turn all cards over" button, then you can click on an individual girl's card BEFORE clicking on the 'collect' button. That will bring you to the page where you can upgrade her. It might not let you select any girl to upgrade, but it's better than nothing I guess, so if anything that might be a slight help to you buddy.

I will agree on the 'open one epic chest' and the like, it's purely based on luck and shouldn't be a thing, ever. I expect missions to be dealt with using skill, not pure luck.

On a different topic, I'd like to report a bug concerning a girl's power, namely The Chosen, the mythic card of the Moonlighter series. Twice now, I've faced an opponent who had that card, and when her power activates, gems switch like they should, but when they're done switching, nothing happens and the game just freezes forever. I had to reload the two times because of this, effectively losing the match in the process. Granted I would have lost both times anyways but still, it's a bit annoying and wouldn't want it to happen in a winning situation. Given I face a lot of opponents with that card, it's bound to happen often; can someone look into this please? That'd be appreciated, thank you very much.

Despite -SOME- people complaining nonstop, you can tell yourself you're doing a pretty good job with all this, things are getting better slowly but surely. Keep it up; the way you listen to feedback is really appreciated! Thanks!

Expect it to be very hard, I mean, they're mythical for a reason :| 

Dear Hooligart, it just occured to me, you missed one heck of an opportunity... You know that super long haired blonde babe that greets you when you first open the game? The one to give you the tutorial? You should have put her as the mythic card of this girl set ;) Heheh!

If anything, I realize in hindsight that I forgot a few still. I also have a few interesting power ideas for future card sets, if you're interested. They'd need balance (yet again :) ) but could still be interesting. Examples of passive powers for a set of girls:

1) Things like 'vampirism'; let's suppose dark girls have this power, then 50% of the healing they get from hearts is added to the attack power.

2) If (X) color is also on the field, all (Y) color gems get a 20% boost of attack (good to promote multicolor decks).

3) At the beginning of every turn, a single random gem changes to the color of the girl having said passive power (so, suppose a water girl has that power, it becomes a water gem).

Forgot another point that could be interesting: if three gems are matched, we get a second move, right? Up to three moves? I'd just put three moves in a given amount of time, regardless of if there's a match or not. That could allow for some interesting and creative plays and setups.

It's my pleasure to give the feedback, don't hesitate if anything turns up! Just glad to help!

I guess it's my turn to give feedback. NGL I came here to get a sex game in times of horniness, but the art is pretty much what kept me coming back (pun intended :) ). Now, I just think of this as a relaxing match-three game with very beautiful, yet NSFW art. There's lots of room for improvement though, but thankfully, this is what beta access is for, amirite?

Aight so I got a pretty long list of suggestions, most of which are minor quality-of-life improvements that, from a developer point of view, shouldn't take too long to fix/implement. Sorry in advance for the wall of text.

1) Balancing the fights in the tower has been brought up quite a number of times. Heck, I mentioned it several times myself. Just got to League 4, and I noticed enemies with maybe 5k HP but with cards with 300 base attack? I don't know if they're artificially boosted to ramp up the difficulty, but this shouldn't be a thing.

2) I've seen someone else, somewhere, do the suggestion of a surrender option. HARD AGREE on that one. It is tedious, boring and time consuming to enter a fight you know you'll lose but have to fight until the end.

3) Speaking of balance, it's not only in the fights we get in the tower. We are currently in an event, meaning tower chests gets us pirate silver coins. Actually, common chests gets us 25 silver, okay nice. Note that these chests take 1hr to open. Then, rare chests, taking 2hrs, gets us 50 silver, nice. But yesterday I got a big rare chest, which takes 4hrs to open. If my calculations are right, I should get 100 silver, right? But no, I got 75 instead. These kinds of things should be balanced too, I'd suggest a bit more than linear value (say, 125) since these chests really don't come out often. Same for the higher value chests, too. (I might modify this comment later on today, I got a legendary chest yesterday, the ones that takes 24hrs to open?)

4) Daily event chests and the 5-win chests could come with extra silver too maybe, that wouldn't be a bad thing IMHO.

5) 5-win chests need to be revised. These are a bit hard to get, and the value we get from these doesn't really feel worth the trouble. It doesn't need to contain 3000 cards every time, but they could be better too.

6) Girls power animation. Some are long as heck, most are short and sweet. Maybe normalize the length of the animation?

7) In general, you REALLY should optimize the animation rendering of the site and it's overall efficiency. Tell you what, I'm a hockey fan. Sometimes I like to plug my laptop on an extra screen, and have a hockey game in the background. Or music, or videos in general. As soon as DirtyLeague is open on one page, everything becomes INCREDIBLY laggy around it, to the point where I can't really multitask. This is kinda frustrating to me, TBH. Maybe nothing can be done about it, I dunno, but it's at least worth putting the effort and checking out.

8) Small append to the last point: if another page is up on my browser, I'd like the game to keep running in the background too, say if I multitask and am reading something while my opponent is playing his turn. Little quality of life tweak.

9) Very minor tweak, and maybe I'm the only one to get this problem, but blue and purple gems' colors are quite close to one another. I'm not colorblind but whenever I'm a bit tired, I end up mixing them up and wasting moves. Maybe differentiate them slightly more?

10) Event missions. A lot of them involve... well... waiting. "Find 60 epic cards". Or, "Open any 4 market chests". These can take up a whole day on a time-sensitive event, without taking into account that I have a life outside the game, making this incredibly annoying and cuts drastically on the chances of actually completing the event. This here event is the first time I might get the legendary card (much less the mythic one!) despite me putting up the effort to complete missions as efficiently as possible.

11) Please cut down on the market ads after tower matches. Every other match pops up an ad to buy some girl packs. I mean, I get it, you need the revenue to keep things up and running, but we already know where to go if we want to buy stuff, no need to pop it in our faces every time.

12) I forgot a point about chests. I think it could be nice to add some types of chests, like very big chests containing LOTS of common cards (I'm thinking 300+ in one shot) that could take quite a while to open, but would be rare to get. Same for extra rare big epic chests and the like. I don't think it'd be worth going all the way to big legendary or big mythic chests, but I'll leave that to you to decide (imagine a big mythic chest giving out 300 mythic cards but takes all week to open, hehe!)

13) Maybe up the chances of getting rarer chests? Doesn't need to be a 300% chance increase, but maybe just a bit still. Could make legendaries at least findable. Even epics. I've had some epic girls I couldn't level up AT ALL despite having them for a little over a month now.

14) In the future, or maybe after official release of the game, I guess it could be nice to customize (to an extent) the appearance of our character. Just maybe.

15) Finish up the missing animations in the tower already! :) As far as I know, it's empty past league 8, could be nice to get rid of that detail on your end and add up some more.

16) Extra chest slots could be a hard to get reward at some point, maybe past a certain league (maybe a league 1 reward? or after a certain completion threshold of collecting new girls?) in addition to the possibility of buying them.

17) I would very much like the possibility of saving extra decks instead of having just one, just to quickly come back to old combinations of girls that I may have forgotten I used to like before. Maybe three slots oughta do the trick.

18) The possibility to get toys in chests, other than through leveling up girls to no end. Might give a better fighting chance in the tower at some point too. I don't mind them being rarer than girls themselves, but it could be nice to have.

Allright that was a mouthful, sorry in advance. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game so far, but all of this is just for the sake of improving what's already good :) Pass along the message to the devs, with my blessings!

Much obliged. Thank you very much!

I think you guys forgot to include event coin rewards in the tower chests on that one. Makes this event impossible to get beyond the rare (2nd) girl. Please fix this ASAP.

And before you try to suggest... No, I'm not going to buy a 20$ pack just for that. I'm not of the pay-to-win mentality and never will. Thanks.

I can understand difficulty has been ramped up in order to increase rewards, but this is just ridiculous. I'm currently oscillating between leages 6 and 5, got into a fight against a dude with 16k HP (highest I've ever faced so far) to evidently drop back to league 6. First fight in there got me an opponent at 1.9k HP, I'm back in league 5. Any way of having a middle ground or something? Like now against a 6.8k HP? 

Also, if you don't have new events to go for, it would be worthwhile to at least put back older events every now and then in the meantime. It would make the game at least a bit more engaging and fun to come back to, instead of having literally nothing to do. 

Just trying to give constructive criticism here, not trying to bash or anything.