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Guys, for those, who still can not see a hidden message, behind all these updates, let me translate, what developers try to tell us. The message from them is simple: " If you don't pay for the game, get the sh8t out of here and shut your mouth".

If you think, I'm joking, let's take a closer look at a fact.

1) Let's go a couple of months back.

Problem:  Free To Play customers were complaining, that this is impossible to get the Mythic cards and it's difficult for them to compete with Pay To Play gamers

Solution: New update, after which Upgraded Mythic cards don't effect on the damage of Legenday (an lower cards) anymore.

Consequences: Nowfor FTP gamers it's getting even harder to compete.

2) Month ago.

Problem:  Free To Play customers were asking to replace the "Open the *** chest in the tower" during the Pussy Market events, because it depends on a luck, and it's difficult to buy a Mythic card.

Solution #1: double the cost for the missing cards.

Solution #2 (right after many complaints): Remove the possibility to buy missing cards.

Solution #3 (right after many complaints): Remove the Pussy Market itself.

Consequences. now it's possible to buy missing cards for real money only (99.9 $).

3) Now. 

Problem: People don't like new updates with the Flipping the coin mechanic, because now only luck decides who will go first. And (in common) the 90% possibility to win drops to 60-70%, which leads us to the main problem: if before that we spent 1 minute on one fight and we could get 95 gold for the min ( 95 gold per minute), now we need 1-4 minute to get these precious 95 gold (just a little reminder, I need 10K+ gold to level up any of my cards, which I use for a game)

Solution: Add 100500 K half point to every player, and make one fight go for 5-10 minutes when the reward is the same 95 gold. 

Consequences. 95 gold per 10 minutes ( give it or take).


After all these updates only one group of players feel ok: those who don't give a shit about the amount of gold per fight, because they can spend a bunch of money on their cards in the store.

At the look at their attitude to customers, Event after event the same problem: the first 8 hours are impossible to move further the "open the event chest" but we still have a lot of players who gain thousands of coins simply because of they pay for it.  A lot of bugs haven't been fixed more than for a year. I know it because I play more than 1,5 year, so I see the very same problems every time. 

By the way, after the update, it is much easier to climb the tower (League 1), because new gamers are not that active anymore.

So...seems like their logic is simple: "you don't pay money, so say thank you at least that you are still allowed to play our precious game, shut the fork up and be who you were born to be: a piece of garbage that is easy to be kicked for those, who deserve kicking people - guys with money".

Do you still believe they care about us?

Do you still think this game is worth playing it?

Do you really want to tolerate this attitude towards you?

If yes, I don't surprise that projects like this still exist


I'm not surprised if that is the case because it's pretty clear to me that the game developers don't care about maintaining a steady flow of new customers. If they continue with this attitude this will probably just turn into another Town of Sins or what have you that they've also developed, not worth wasting time on.