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A member registered Aug 04, 2022

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Is anybody else experiencing auto battle being permanently on for every fight now? I lost in the Coliseum because it auto battled and I wasn't even aware the thing had been turned on since I didn't turn it on and I thought we had the option to turn it on or off at our leisure.

Might want to look into that.

Yes, this just happened for some reason while I was trying to open a daily chest. Error DL7102-5.

Cleared my browser's cache and the problem persists. Fix it before the day ends folks.

It's been like that since the beginning, the developers have these events set to repeat without bothering to acknowledge that some of these quests have already been completed, so we have to level up the card in question again. It doesn't make any sense why the game doesn't recognize we've already done that, it should have been coded to recognize that no matter what, but for whatever reason the game doesn't do that.

What is the point of rewarding us Pirate Silver at the end of an event if the next event starts us off with 0 Silver again? Seriously, events should store our data and bring back the amount of Silver we haven't been able to use yet in the next event. I don't hoard silver, but I do find myself with just shy of 2000 silver to open a chest in the last few hours of the event so there's really nothing I can do with it and then it seems I'm losing it, unless it's there when next the event rolls around.

Why are there no event rewards to give us gems besides Leveling up our avatar? And why the hell is the reward for achieving level 35+ sill a pitiful 50 damn gems?

As I said before there should be a progression scale to this thing, higher rewards for higher levels so that you entice players to spend gold to actually level up cards. I have no incentive to use up all my gold if I only get pitiful rewards for my hard earned currency.

And why can't we spend gems to unlock more slots to hold chests in the tower? That seems like a really flawed spot to put a paywall on since it is a rather meaningless option.

Oh well, guess I'll just keep plugging along.

I'm still not a fan of past events locking everything up again also, veteran players should be rewarded for supporting your game, not punished, the first repeat event was great, but now it's just stingy, stingy, stingy. I will never have enough time in a week to get a Mythic room opened, it's  impossible with the current set up.

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What the fuck did you do that for? Even with the boost from the sex potions my health has now dropped below what it was before all of this update nonsense and I was at level 35 with at least over 50K Health. I just reallocated my Viagra and I see my health is at a point even less than it was before.
Why can't you make the right decisions when it comes to balancing the game? It shouldn't be this annoying.

Edit: At least I think it was at 50K before the updates, I can't even remember, I do know that since I was in League 1 it had to be that high otherwise I would have been wiped out in the first move with most folks before this bump back down the leagues. I'm seriously confused.

I notice this event has been relaunched again, but I question what changed between this relaunch and Hellhole, because now none of the rooms I had previously unlocked allow me to open them at the start of the event.

Why should I have to redo all of the previous progress/unlocking events to unlock the rooms again to get cards I already own when we previously had a relaunch of an event that allowed us to open all of the rooms before and focus on trying to get events completed to unlock the rooms we didn't open in the previous version of this event?

The more changes are made the worse this game is becoming. And you've already proven our accounts remember what we achieved in the events previously with Hellhole relaunch, seriously, fix this problem for this event or risk losing all of your players.

Yes, if there was supposed to be level caps for each League that should have been introduced much earlier on and rewards for players should have been upgraded and tweaked accordingly to allow for steady level progression, as with any other RPG style game if you level up your player you eventually fight and find monsters and other events that grant higher experience payloads in order to level up properly. This move is just smacking of elitist mentality and telling us all that we should be paying you more money to achieve higher levels when that was not the case in the past.

The fact that you are tearing the Tower apart piece by piece leaves me and many other players who have been forcibly dropped down the league ladder extremely irritated and definitely wondering just what kind of message you are trying to express here.

I'm pretty sure this message is intended to state that the developers are not happy with the game breaking balance problems they've been having so they are punishing the players because of it instead of fixing the underlying problem of certain overpowered decks and abilities which exist and can be taken advantage of to make steady progress up the ladder of the Tower.

I don't know what's worse, being told that my months and months of game time to achieve League 1 while being under levelled is a problem/crime/unfair or being told that all of my efforts and hard work to max out certain cards for my decks as high as I can get to take advantage of the tried and tested game winning strategy to achieve success is going to be wiped out simply because I am not at the level that they expected me to be at despite the fact that it took three years to make it almost to the top anyway.

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I am fairly certain that the 'tweaks' you made to the tower has basically resulted in having opponents pitted against AI characters with unrealistic expectations, basically man-made world bosses from the developers under the pretense of being other players, but are, in fact, designed to destroy and crush anybody and everybody in the Tower.

How else would you explain my encountering four times by now mister Schnuller100 who has five mythic water girls leveled to the point of doing 1.5K+ damage with a single attack? Whose health is higher than most of the 'players' and who destroys my deck in two moves.

I was already not winning in the Tower, so trying my luck a few times I have encountered this exact same person at least four times in the past three days and I suspect that this is not a person, but something cooked up by the developers to force the player to pay them more money to beat their made-up premium players or Gatekeepers if you will keeping the Tower fights from being fair, balanced and properly designed. This is not PvP it's PvD... and if I wanted to get schooled by the developers of this game and their pitiful AI bots I would have just gone back to the Final Fantasy franchise.

Oh yeah, and fix the sip of blood card, every time I leave the tab and come back that power stops working and freezes forcing me to refresh and lose tower matches anyway.

Are all of you really demanding that the increase the health replenishing power of the heart gems? If they did that without adjusting the balance of the attack powers of the girls fights would take all day.

There is a simpler and more elegant solution, introduce new a new type of card for the health gems, we've never had Heart Girls before.

And while you're at it tweak the attack power of girls somehow, I remember a long time ago that I had way more attack power, but in order to fix the balance back then you adjusted things and modified toys and added the viagra element and other things that nerfed the gains in attack power that were originally in the game.

If you can adjust attack power so that most matches last 15-20 minutes instead of 35-over an hour it might gainstay some of these more recent updates negative problems.

We wouldn't need entire decks of heart based girls though, maybe one or two rare beauties who work in tandem with the other decks so they can increase certain types of girls attack powers while increasing the percentage of healing.

Just a thought.

I would just like to point out, that thanks to the ridiculous health update this is the first event I have been unable to get to Epic or Legendary, something I haven't had a problem with since I first started playing the game and the events first started when I was under leveled.

This is going to drive away many players as others have stated repeatedly, so thanks for that. And thanks for making this thoroughly unplayable and unenjoyable.

Well, I'm stuck. Open an event chest. Do you want to tell me why I should even waste one of the few chests I still have to get enough pirate silver for this event when, since the stupid update, I haven't won a single match in the tower to get new chests? Seriously, fix the damn game.

This is ridiculous, I whittle away health of a person with equal health to me at the equivalent of five K max for every forty minutes, is that the reason why the health of the hero was fucked up? So instead of actually playing this game we just pay to get all the cards, toys, items and unlocks? I don't think anybody is that stupid to even do something like that. It'd be throwing good money after bad and a complete waste of resources, even the most hopeless of online game players isn't desperate enough to just pay money to get things, and if they are then they are seriously lost.

Thanks a lot for locking me into a fight in the second coliseum with a battle that will take at least four hours to finish. Really glad that such an idea was implemented for this game. I can walk away and come back and spend the entire event just fighting this one battle, unless the other player just quits out of boredom. Can that even happen? Who knows, who cares.

By the way, that was sarcasm incase you couldn't tell. Pretty sure you're just going to continue being obtuse about this, but I can be just as obtuse. Let's see how long it takes for my opponent to finally just quit out of the damn battle.

I'm not surprised if that is the case because it's pretty clear to me that the game developers don't care about maintaining a steady flow of new customers. If they continue with this attitude this will probably just turn into another Town of Sins or what have you that they've also developed, not worth wasting time on.

Good morning, you wanted feedback, well you've got it. I have signed up to share my displeasure with the decision making behind this latest update.

Are you trying to completely alienate your target audience? How is it so hard to keep a game like this viable to attract new players and ultimately new customers? Decisions like this make no damn sense and serve to drive away anybody who might one day stumble across this title and want to play it.

I have been silent during updates in the past that hindered my ability to make any real progress, as a free player I didn't feel it was my place to complain against things since I'm not giving you any money for this title, I was content to keep chugging along with my limited ability and manage my deck based on what I could do during events. Without Pussy Market I never would have gotten some of the Legendary or Mythic event cards and even then I'm still missing quite a few, but that's not a real big problem for my play style. I just want to make some progress and enjoy my time spent with the title, I'm not trying to complete everything.

That being said, this update is going to drive away all of your free players, I can't do enough damage to win anymore even with my cheap ass Water Deck set up. I know it's a cheat, but it's the only way I could get into League 1 in the Tower, still haven't cracked the Dirty League yet, and it was the only way I could amass enough items in the Coliseum to help with event quests.

Now I won't even be able to manage that, no more keys for early chests, no more items to revive monsters to get through the tedious events faster so I can maybe get to the Legendary Girl, never mind the Mythic, I've never had enough time to open one of those rooms even when I was playing as much as I could.

This decision is extremely incomprehensible. If the goal is to attract more big spenders then you are going about this the entirely wrong way, you have a decent basic start for the game, but rather than upgrade and add new features in a smart and practical fashion from a business standpoint, you follow the cookie cutter guide to AAA loot box style games in the hopes of attracting more sheep to be fleeced.

It would have made more sense to add some kind of subscription Premium membership that added new features only paying members could get access to, something like alternate towers for the tower fights, the option to actually interact and manipulate the hero and 'his girls' the ability to incorporate specialty cards that involved fighting monsters that match your character's level so you have to develop better strategies than just spamming water deck all the time and hoping for a victory. I've seen that you can make event monsters match player's levels in the Pussy Market fights, so don't tell me you couldn't adjust the game to include something like that.

Throw in the option to have girl heroes and I might, might have been tempted to pay for a membership, because hey, us dirty league folks have a reason for being here  besides the basic puzzle game on offer here and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

There was a lot of ways to get people invested enough to actually pay for a game like this besides the stupid pay to win style and if I had half the programming ability as the folks in charge of this title I'd make that game for myself, because as it stands now your title is sorely lacking. Nobody in their right mind is going to dump thousands of dollars into this just to achieve even one victory against a player who does 400K damage with all abilities when you can only manage a measly 70K with your deck. And if this is some way to get people switching out of the all water strategy and using stuff like the Earth Girls or others with abilities that nerf water girl damage you have definitely missed the boat on that one.

I can't make a single victory in the tower anymore, my damage output is crap and I'm not going to suddenly decide to pay money for more in-came cash and more in-game girl cards just to bump up my decks. I've got better things to spend my money on that involve, you know, actual progression.

Unlike other games this one captured my attention for far longer, as it stands now, I might keep jumping on to receive my chests and my free 250 G every four hours, but I don't think I'll be making much progress through any future events.

Speaking of which, another thing only for premium members could have been a different type of quest, something more rewarding that gives you larger numbers of legendary cards for more challenging notions than merely boring and cheap grindfests.

Overall that is my opinion on this latest update, I am extremely displeased with the state of affairs and find your choices perplexing and extremely not business saavy for attracting new customers. Take it or leave it as you see fit. Good day.