This game has potential as a puzzle game, but you need to make sure the reset mechanic actually works. I played this game on two different computers, and it does not work at all. If I use poison to die, I can later have the block on the tile and the door will not unlock. I tested that by automating the puzzle and it had the same answer I did even.
Another case is if you die to electricity Through ON is now stuck ON the rest of the game. I was walking through walls after my first electric death.
Then the doll puzzle where if you move when it can see you, you die. Once I died to that the puzzle never started again when I read the book. That locked me in the room unable to progress any farther.
I do feel the game has potential though as a puzzle game which is why I wanted to post the feedback so you can hopefully fix it up for a future release. Hopefully this helps you in improving the game going forward.