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A query: is it possible to actually be unable to backtrack?  Like I'm in column 1, row 4 and was able to move south through pushing and rolling, etc. but when I went down to 1,5 I felt a bit stymied so figured I'd backtrack...but it looks like, without certain abilities, one can't go back that way.

It's not always possible to backtrack, but you shouldn't need any other abilities to proceed.

Okay, thank you.  Very cool game, by the way.  Frustrating but in the best way. :-P And the aesthetic is lovely

Actually, sorry. It was possible to get stuck in that space, if you don't have the bear yet. It's been fixed. You should be able to reload your game and get the new version of the level where you can backtrack.

Oh, no worries, I just started a new game and, have to admit, used a YouTube video for two of the last puzzles. XP Thank you for looking into it though!