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I indeed never had a chance to get more than about 1500 points, but the important thing is I have so many pugs now. Very cute! And sweet music. If it didn't interfere with your lane-clearing implementation, it might be fun to have them fill in more behind the first line (and then start stacking?). For navigation (and confirming quickly that there really is no way to make it through a gap), it would help to increase the number of lanes or keep them closer together; as it was, with camera distortion it is tough to tell when you're about to side-swipe a horse when you thought you'd be jumping behind them. Not that that's much safer, in reality.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback!

Stacking pugs sounds like an excellent idea :D

Increasing lanes would have been a very simple and elegant solution for my spawning issues I think, i should have thought of that!