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Awesome! I am able to load your maps without issues now. Pastebin seems to be the problem. I will update the thread to tell people to use Google Drive or similar services.

By the way, you can remove some tiles from your maps, that are never visible to the player as seen in the screenshot. This will increase the performance in the level, if you are experiencing low FPS. Really cool maps :-)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for replying!

I am glad I could be of help to you.

Also, thank you for the tip, while the map is quite slow when it runs on my laptop,
I didn’t think too much about it, but I believe this ‘trick’ would work wonders, especially on bigger maps that I have planned!

That is all! Oh, and sorry for the late reply as I had just come back from school.


I am looking forward to see, what you are going to create :-)