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A retro first person shooter with roguelike elements · By MaxwellSalmon


A topic by dacsson created Apr 19, 2020 Views: 535 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 2
(1 edit)

When i choose the option "load" the problem begins, so doesnt matter what i choose next (level or segment) program says that "There are no saved maps of this kind", even tho i saved a couple. Please let me know if u could do something (or if its my problem).

P.S. Thank you for the cool asf game c:

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you! Can you please send me the files customLevels.dat and customSegments.dat?

Then I will try and see what the problem could be :-)

Hmm, it seems the level editor is broken. If you are still interested, let me know and I'll try to fix it.

(5 edits) (+1)


I am another humble and rare user of the level editor and I would love to make maps for this game.

I was about to create a thread in order to let this bug come to light until I found this thread.

While there are many things I want improvements on, I feel this is the most glaring bug there is to the level editor and so even though the OP did not reply to you, please take my reply as me being interested in you fixing this. Oh! and just so you know I would like you to take your time, as in the other posts I have seen you in, it seems to me you are quite busy.

Finally, I hope you are able to expand the editor to become something akin to most level editors that you find today!


(p.s. before you asked idk why I did this like we’re email buddies, kinda just happens, haha, sorry)

Developer (1 edit)

Hello CodeSlayerYT!

Thanks for your interest in the level editor! I have tinkered around with it a bit and it may just be, that it doesn't recognize 'level' or 'segment' as a type. Try typing 'l' or 's' instead and see, if that works and report back to me. Also, make sure you use the most recent version, as I recently updated the editor.  (see end note)

However, you should not get your hopes up in regards to expansions of the editor. It is a tool I created for myself and it is a mess, which makes it hard to expand. However, I will definitely fix the loading bug either way :-)

Further note: I tried to load your custom levels, but it resulted in this error. Can you tell me the steps you took to create your customLevels.dat file? Perhaps the issue is a wrong formatting in the files. I will look into this issue :-)

Hello MaxwellSalmon!

Thank you for replying! I have tried the ‘trick’ you provided and it works! I have downloaded DUGA only recently so I am sure I have the updated editor.

About the expansions, that is fine as I understand that you have been working on a new project, so, please don’t worry about expanding the editor as it is a mere request, not a demand. Thank you in advance for updating the editor!

Finally, Thank you for taking a look at my custom levels! As for the steps that I took in order to make it, I just played around in the editor, then once I finished making a subpar level, I then clicked export, went through the saving/exporting process and after that is finished, I send it to Pastebin.

But I can not test the file now as I have overridden the slot with a new level, if you don’t mind, would you try with the updated level and see if the ‘trick’ works, because for me it does.

Here is the link:

Note: Only the first level is done, even then it still needs a few tweaks and then there is the second level which is actually the second level I ever made in the level editor.

(3 edits)

Hello MaxwellSalmon!

Before I start, sorry for the lengthiness!!!

After I send my reply, I decided to do a few tests on my own as I am intrigued by the problems that both of us have encountered and I forgot that I put my test level on Pastebin which is the reason I wrote that last paragraph.

I run notepad++ as administrator(this is because I had put my DUGA folder in program files) and press ‘edit in notepad++’ on customLevels.dat.

Next, I go to my Pastebin account and then open the test levels paste. Before I copied the test levels, I decided to copy my customLevels.dat file and put it somewhere on my laptop. Then I copied the test levels data by pressing the copy button on top of the text area and then selecting all of the text by pressing Ctrl + A and then clicking Ctrl + V on the customLevels.dat file in notepad++ and clicking save.

Instead of opening the file in the Level Editor, I decided to play the custom level in DUGA; but I then got an error before the game even run. I have put the crash log here: Intrigued, I then tried to load the levels in the Level Editor using the ‘trick’ and I got the same bug: ‘there are no saved maps of this kind’.

I then decided to copy the new levels that I made from Pastebin (using the same method that I mentioned in paragraph 4) and paste them into the customLevels.dat file and then try to run DUGA again, I did this because I had a hunch of where things go wrong and… DUGA crash again with the aforementioned crash log.

Now, as a final test, I delete the customLevels.dat file in the data folder and then took the customLevels.dat file that I saved earlier in a different folder and put it back in the data folder.


It Works!!!! It ran and I was able to play both levels with no errors or crashes whatsoever.

This means that my hunch was correct. The root of all problems here is Pastebin. Perhaps it’s because Pastebin decided to format the binary data by putting them on different lines or something similar, I don’t have a lot of knowledge in Binary(other than the basics) and the likes so I don’t know what else could be the cause.

Of course, I am not a professional developer such as you so I don’t know if there is something else I’m missing but I thought that if I could help you to find the problem faster it would certainly be easier for you as I don’t want to trouble you.

Well, that is all from me!

Oh! and this is a picture of the crash:


Developer (1 edit)

Very nice work! It seems you are right. Pastebin is to blame here. Maybe it converts binary text to unicode, making Python read it incorrectly when loading it. The easiest solution here of course, would be to use another service to share maps.

Do you have any suggestions for such a service? Unfortunately, Itch doesn't allow uploading files.

Perhaps pasting it here as code will work. (doesn't seem to work either)

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If a good alternative is not found, I should be able to fix the issue in code, though it would be nice to avoid it ;-)

(1 edit) (+1)

Reading the thread again it seems you have already discovered the one with the level editor but I wonder if you have discovered the one with DUGA?

Well, if it is true that Pastebin here is at fault then the solution that I would like to propose is to use google drive to share the file instead as Finfee did in their Wiki thread.

From your response in that thread, it seems that this method does work. Let me try posting my new levels in the Custom Levels thread.


Awesome! I am able to load your maps without issues now. Pastebin seems to be the problem. I will update the thread to tell people to use Google Drive or similar services.

By the way, you can remove some tiles from your maps, that are never visible to the player as seen in the screenshot. This will increase the performance in the level, if you are experiencing low FPS. Really cool maps :-)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for replying!

I am glad I could be of help to you.

Also, thank you for the tip, while the map is quite slow when it runs on my laptop,
I didn’t think too much about it, but I believe this ‘trick’ would work wonders, especially on bigger maps that I have planned!

That is all! Oh, and sorry for the late reply as I had just come back from school.



I am looking forward to see, what you are going to create :-)