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A member registered Dec 28, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hello coolmanthedev,

You are very welcome to make modifications do DUGA! I agree, that it is cumbersome to  modify. As long as you follow the license DUGA is under (check the GitHub). I'd love to see what you can come up with :-)



Thank you for your post. I am not planning to add any new features to DUGA as it is a finished project and I am working on other stuff. 

You do not need to have Python installed to use the level editor. The download comes with an .exe - if that doesn't work for you, please let me know which errors you experience.

Take care!

I tried to run it on a new PC and I got the same error. It is caused by the newest version of Pygame, it seems. Try downgrading to Pygame 2.1.3 and it should work - at least it did for me :-)

Thanks for letting me know. Can you please elaborate on how it is broken?  Do you get any error messages or is this the only thing appearing on the screen?

I am glad you find it interesting. It was quite bothersome ;-)

Thank you very much. I'd still love to see your textures, so feel free to share them here :-)

(1 edit)

I would appreciate if you did not simply re-release a retextured version of my game. If you would like to make changes to the actual core of the game, you are very welcome to do so.

However, I would love to see you share the new textures in a thread on this game.

Hello EndlessTime,

I believe you may also have posted a comment to the trailer? In that case, YouTube decided that I cannot reply to it for some reason...

You are very welcome to change anything you'd like, as long as you follow the lincense it is under. This, however, will only be of concern if you are sharing anything. I recommend downloading the source code through my GitHub- that way you can change whatever you want. The locations of all assets should be fairly straight-forward, i.e. textures are in the textures folder.

If you downloaded the game through, you can also change textures and sounds, though not text.

Looking forward to see, what you'll do with it.

Oh, it that the developer map? I contemplated implementing a minimap system similarly to Doom, but I never got around doing it. What you see here is simply a more actual representation of how the game works.

Indeed. It is difficult to keep track of all the textures and they are quite computationally heavy to produce!

Wonderful! You can follow me on other platforms, as this thread may lock due to inactivity at some point. Updates are not as frequent as I'd like them to be. 

The game will be centered around the atmosphere and dialogue, though it will feature some puzzles. I am still in the process of finding out what works and I may need to add more puzzles for it to not be too repetitive. If you have any suggestions to puzzle themes, they are very welcome :-)

I have been fixing a lot of texture issues, that I had just ignored. Below is an image of a small, but quite powerful change.

Some other areas I worked on:

  • Fixed lighting in different scenes
  • Added LOD lamps outside
  • Fixed snow clipping through roof inside
  • Skydome will now also have right colour tint depending on time
  • Added some unrealistic, but cosmetic lights

Also, I am planning on moving the devlog to an actual devlog tied to a project. We'll see if it will work without the game being released.

I hope you found it somewhat interesting!

Indeed! Are you currently there? :-)

I just added some eerie night light to the game. The outside now has lamps above the doors , which allows the player to better see, what is going on.

I just created a new light for the entrace of the house. A lightbulb seems better suited for the style.



Unfortunate! I'd love to see some modified NPC animations.

Pure art!

(1 edit)


Some time ago I created a small devlog for my game here. However, it was locked due to inactivity - it is a slow process being a game developer.

I just published a video devlog showcasing major updates to the game, which is posted below. But if you don't want to watch that, I added some key points below.

What did I create?

  • Added a developer console
  • Created a prototype of the story in Pygame
  • Recreated a model of a snowcat
  • Remade some lighting
  • Made a command line interface for file conversion

I hope you found this interesting. I will add more information to this thread or perhaps make an actual devlog here on itch, if you are interested. 

Thanks for your time :-)

I am looking forward to see, what you are going to create :-)

Very nice maps! It works very well :-)

Awesome! I am able to load your maps without issues now. Pastebin seems to be the problem. I will update the thread to tell people to use Google Drive or similar services.

By the way, you can remove some tiles from your maps, that are never visible to the player as seen in the screenshot. This will increase the performance in the level, if you are experiencing low FPS. Really cool maps :-)

(1 edit)

Very nice work! It seems you are right. Pastebin is to blame here. Maybe it converts binary text to unicode, making Python read it incorrectly when loading it. The easiest solution here of course, would be to use another service to share maps.

Do you have any suggestions for such a service? Unfortunately, Itch doesn't allow uploading files.

Perhaps pasting it here as code will work. (doesn't seem to work either)

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If a good alternative is not found, I should be able to fix the issue in code, though it would be nice to avoid it ;-)

(1 edit)

Hello CodeSlayerYT!

Thanks for your interest in the level editor! I have tinkered around with it a bit and it may just be, that it doesn't recognize 'level' or 'segment' as a type. Try typing 'l' or 's' instead and see, if that works and report back to me. Also, make sure you use the most recent version, as I recently updated the editor.  (see end note)

However, you should not get your hopes up in regards to expansions of the editor. It is a tool I created for myself and it is a mess, which makes it hard to expand. However, I will definitely fix the loading bug either way :-)

Further note: I tried to load your custom levels, but it resulted in this error. Can you tell me the steps you took to create your customLevels.dat file? Perhaps the issue is a wrong formatting in the files. I will look into this issue :-)

I have updated the editor - you can read more about the changes here:

Thanks a lot for your suggestion - I hope this will work for you!

I completely forgot about it. I will write it on my to-do list and investigate how to solve this the best way. The level editor was a tool for myself that I hacked together in the shortest time possible, so it may be tricky to fix.

I am glad you like it. I can't say too much about how I made it, as it is too large a project, I think. However, I can recommend using the 1996 tutorial by Permadi, which is the one I used:

If you have any specific questions, I am happy to answer them :-)

DUGA community · Replied to Finfee in Wiki?

Yep, powerful little machine.

DUGA community · Replied to Finfee in Wiki?

Have you considered buying a Raspberry Pi? It may not be powerful enough to run DUGA with high frame rate, but it is capable of running Pygame and is $35 (without accessories). 

If you cannot afford it, I can contribute with an amount. I'd love to see what you can do with DUGA.

DUGA community · Replied to Finfee in Wiki?
(5 edits)

The mixer controls the audio  and comes with Pygame, so it is not a script I created. What operation system are you using? I found another user with the same issue on Stackoverflow, who apparently uses some Linux OS.

Did you change anything in the code? According to this Reddit thread, Pygame has to be initialised before it can use mixer. It is initialised in

To test whether the mixer is correctly installed, try opening IDLE console and type the following:

(from pygame import mixer (ENTER) mixer.init() (ENTER) and you should see this:

>>> from pygame import mixer
pygame 2.0.1 (SDL 2.0.14, Python 3.7.4)
Hello from the pygame community. <a href="
>>></a> mixer.init()

If this causes an error, you may have had an error in the Pygame installation. I hope it can be used :-)

DUGA community · Replied to Finfee in Wiki?

You need to download Python 3 and then install Pygame (write `python -m pip install pygame` in your command prompt).

You should now be able to run the DUGA source code without needing an .exe file. To test if everything is correctly installed try opening the command prompt and write `python` and you should see something like `Type "help" , "copyright", "credits"....` etc. followed by `>>>`. Now write `import pygame` and if you see a greeting from pygame, it works. 

Now you  can run (perhaps right click and open with IDLE, a Python editor). You will now be able to edit the DUGA source code, and are not just limited to textures and sounds :-)

Let me know if it works out for you, otherwise I can give you some pointers. 

Also, if you have a GitHub account, you can make your own fork of my source code. This way I can follow and see your edits :-)

DUGA community · Posted in Wiki?
(1 edit)

This is wonderful! I'll alllow it :-)

I recommend you get into modding, I think you'll be capable of making some great changes to DUGA. I like all your ideas, and I'm sad I do not have the time to implement them. However, I may contribute a bit to the wiki in my spare time :-)

Feel free to ask questions if you have any and I'll look into it!

Thanks for your suggestion! I will look into it! If I haven't replied within a week, please ask me again, I'm quite busy ;-)

Awesome! I can send you an email with further details :-)

Thanks! Quite impressive soundtracks you have. This is simply a hobby project, so I will not be able to compensate you for it. However, if you are still interested, please let me know :-)

30th January 2022

I miss working with code, but I feel like I need to do some designing first. I have been working on the environment and on expanding the storyline, as I implemented the improved conversation system. Such a nice system needs to be put to use! 

First, here are some rendered images of the lighting in the evening. In the first, I went for evening sun, however, the colour of the light made the snow outside look like dirt... So i made an overcast version instead.

Second, the flowchart I have been working on for the story so far. The resolution is poor on purpose, so you can see the structure without spoilers ;-)



I hope you find it interesting :-)

Thanks! I already included dirty underwear and cardboard boxes. Perhaps I should add a handweight as well :-)

27th of January 2022

I have mostly been fixing bugs and added new models since last devlog update. Here is a shoe rack I made. I am currently addind a lot of mess to around the house, so please, look around your house for mess and let me know what you find. I could use some inspiration :-)

The screenshot you see here is a render, not gameplay. However, all textures are made on the same principle. I hope you find it interesting!

I'm glad you find it interesting :-)  You can follow the either here, on my twitter, or on my subreddit if you are interested!