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For such a short VN there's a lot I want to say. First off, I love Claire. You did such a good job with her characterization and getting us to feel what it's like inside her head. I think my favorite moments were right at the very end in that scene with Jamie where she's ecstatic the two of them are so close physically despite what the conversation is about, and earlier when Jamie asks if she plays with toys, and the sharp, ringing panic that I could actually feel.

Claire's visceral desperation for Jamie to like her and her penchant to convince herself everything is 100% fine, despite the fact that she's realistically probably a cuple days/hours away from being discovered is... just great. It's everything I'd want from a character like her.

Also I smiled every time I saw her ":D" sprite. It really conveys everything and it makes me say "she face!!!" every time.

Jamie's also great in that way where you can't fully read her, at least to me it's unclear how much of what she says is genuine, especially with her reaction there at the end, but she's definitely the kind of girl someone like Clair would fawn over.

That final scene though. I've read a lot of storis and VNs where at some point I'm like "aaaaand cut, come on, this is the perfect scene to cut it" and this is the rare time where the scene cuts, the credits roll and I wanted to slam my fists on the table, but in a good way. That was the PERFECT time to cut it, even if it drives me up the wall a little bit.

Anyway, that's to say, I really like your VN and I love how much you accomplished with so little text and time. Jamie and Claire especially are gonna live rent free in my head from now on, and I always appreciate that from a story. You can bet I'm gonna give you a follow and read anything else you post in the future, because this was a really good time!!


ah thank you so much for your comment and that you enjoyed this! ;w; it's been a delight to see people's reactions.

I'm happy you liked the toy scene - since it was the first scene to be written and my favorite as well!

The ending! It felt like a cardinal VN sin to cut it there - but when it calls for it, you have to end it.

Thanks again for taking the time to play, and look forward to more VNs in future!