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A member registered Jun 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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AGHHHHH this was so good!!!! This story went in so many different ways I wasn't expecting, yet I fuck with every single one of them. You've already read some of my thoughts as I played but this really is something special, and I would love love a continuation.

Lea is so sopping wet and pathetic, I love how you never shied away from showing her fucking up, even when it was a matter of life and death, especially with the whole Vivi thing. That hurt. And it made me angry at Lea, which is something writer usually tell you not to do with your protagonist, but I'm so glad you did. I love her and I'm scared to see what'll happen to her.

On that  note, I also love all of her teammates, even Ark despite her attitude. Or because of her attitude. I hope we get to know them more sometime in the future.

Also god, fuck Kai. Fuck Kai from the very moment he appeared. You have no idea how my heart sank with that final scene, I need Ark to drive that sword through his forehead right now D:

Also the art for the sprites and the character designs is very nice and cute, and the writing is perfect at being comedic or very hurtful when it needs to. I had such a good time reading this. I can't wait to see if there's more in the future.

So it was my intention to only read 20m of this before leaving the rest for tomorrow, but as I'm here you can probably tell that didn't happen and I ended up reading  it all in one go. That could be my review of Lunafairy on its own but I think this deserves a lot of praise.

Holy shit, this might be my favorite entry of this jam. First  off because I fuck so hard with the aesthetic and the worldbuilding in this setting, and  I can't find anything about this VN I didn't like. The music was really atmospheric, the art is gorgeous both for the sprites and the CGs and the writing is... so good!!! The dialogue and plot  of course, but also the prose. It's very skillful, more so than I'm used to in VNs. I love it.

And I really wanna see more, I  wanna learn more about the world and these characters, and I wanna see what happens next. I'm happy you'll be continuing this, you can bet I'll be here when that happens <3

There's a rawness and hurt in this that, coupled with the art style and the extremely sharp writing drives the intended emotions of this VN very well, to the point it almost feels like being stabbed lol, but that's what I signed up for. This is a really, really good submission for a game jam that lasted just over a month, and it makes me very curious to see how it'd continue.

I love this, and if the other comments are anything to go by, your previous game was just as good, so I'll try to check it out too :D

(2 edits)

So my intention was to play one of the three routes before going to bed, Sunday night and all, but what ended up happening instead was that I reached the end of Osthola's and I just... had to keep going. There was no questioning it, I needed to know what happened.

There's very clear skill that shines through every aspect of this Act 1, which is no surprise considering your previous game Spare Parts. Still, I was expecting a lot and I was still very pleasantly surprised. Probably one of the most polished and consistent in quality entries from any game jam I've seen. I would hate to be a bit too forward but I feel like I can see some of Aphema's eye for detail and perfection in this one, lol.

So yeah, there's not much I can say other than every aspect of this so far was very good. It made me skip an hour of sleep  which is all I can ask of any visual novel, really. Very impressed, I can't wait for the continuation.

This is one I'll be very excited to wait for an act 2!! There's a very compelling realness with which you write these characters, especially Grace, and I adore the art and her design in general. Same for everyone else, but I instantly fell in love with Grace haha. The conversations and slowly building relatioships (in both a good and bad way) were very fun to read, and I feel like these are the types of characters I wanna read more about than just... kids and teens, I guess.

The music was good too, from the tracks I've heard. This looks like it's on the way to be a really solid game once the rest of the acts are done, and I'll be here to play them when they are :D

Oh man, this was so sweet and sad and aghhhh. First off, the art is amazing, I love your style and the character designs, the softness of the colors and everything looks so good.

Kyp and Nin's relationship is so good too. There's a lot of pain and regressing but that's how it goes, and it hurt quite a bit to read at some points, but that's what made it so worth it :D You did a really good job, I wish there could be more of these two...

Ohhh this was so good! I didn't catch until the very end that it was Alex manifesting all of those things and not Helen, but the mystery kept me reading the whole time.I love these two and their relationship, Helen especially because of how shameless she is.

I also adore Alex' design and her expressions <3 also god I wish that were me getting reality-bending powers.

I loved this!!! Thank you for making it.

Aghhh I hope there's a continuation at some point!!!! I got invested into the characters so fast, and wanted to know what was eating Sawyer up. You did an amazing job at putting down on the page the paranoid and hurtful thoughts of someone like Diana, and it hurt to read in a good way. I've been there. That constant back and forth, that feeling that this one person has to be the one to finally save you.

Loved this, and I hope I'll get to play more in the future.

This was a very cute and somber experience, a lot of people have already mentioned it but the art and the expressions especially are very charming, and the designs for all of the overlords work well for them, I think. I ended up going with FIlia, and part of me was waiting for the other shoe to drop, lol.

I had a fun time playing this!! Only thing is that the CG for the medusa ending didn't work for me, it said it couldn't find the image. Maybe it's a bug.

Oughhhh this feels so good to read!!! First off the opening scene, the 'Happy 31st birthday" was such an amazing way to start, and the feelings and writing and especially the art delivered everything so wondefully. I love this VN so much!!! Definitely one of my favorites out of this jam :D

This felt like getting high while reading poetry and slamming my head into one of those old monitors displaying windows 95. Beautiful and confusing and so wonderfully written to make me feel like I was losing myself.

There's nothing I can say other than this is such a good, concise and beautiful representation of what it's like for people like us. The idea of being the princess in the tower is... just great. What an amazing way of putting it.

I really appreciate this game, and that feeling of wanting things to be easy and being taken care of being put down on paper so realistically. Great job.

Ohhh this is the kind of queer horror that I love to see, where the real life conversations and relationships induce more dread in me than the body horror. Those online convos felt uncomfortably real, and they made me wince a few times.

The prose for the rotting and the entire relationship between her and the nurse were a delight to read, and I loved the look of the backgrounds and the music!!!!

What a wonderfully raw and emotive little game about a couple trying their best. As someone who's been on both sides of something similar, it felt extremely realistic and sweet. The patience, the love, the anxiety that never seems to go away but can slowly start to melt over time when you're with someone you can trust.

Also very nice to see VNs from fellow latin-american authors! I really, really loved this one, for the writing especially but also the very interesting world-building and the cute UI and art. Thank you for making this!!

Holy shit. I've read a good handful of transhumanist VNs on this site and this might just be one of the best. It started very good already but I was NOT ready for how it spiraled near the end there, what a fucking amazing set of scenes, I was left just looking at the end screen with wide eyes because I couldn't believe it was over, and that it ended like that.

Wonderful character writing. The themes were clear and blunt like a hammer to the face, but in a way that's intended to hurt for those who understand, and I loved hating every minute of that ending.

This is my favorite VN of this jam so far, you did an incredible job.

"You had to cross that divide first, from mere machine to person. And only now that you have, are you worth breaking back down into an object."

Oh, I am so normal. I am very extremely normal about this line and these two's relationship, 100%

Extremely well-written and horny brainworm-inducing VN that I had such a blast reading through. I feel for Violet but a part of me also envies her, you know? And Arachne is such a bitch and can I have her number please.

I loved this so much, both the horniness and the emotions were on point and you made me care about these characters with less than 20k words, and so easily too :D

Oughhh this was so good!!!! As a fan of these type of creepy stalker/slasher "what is even real" type of stories you did such an amazing job!!! I played and got the second ending, but I'm gonna try to get the rest today. You really held the tension throughout the whole thing, the nightmares and then Solana's every appearance were very unsettling, I had to keep playing.

I also absolutely adore Marques and the roommate, I wish them nothing but the best in this life.

There was a small issue where a line didn't load after Solana said 'Nice to meet you'. I'll include a screenshot.

But yeah I love this!!! I'll keep playing soon for the other endings.

What a sweet, stress-melting game to end the day on a good note :D I loved this!!! I especially love Danika, her design and her personality, I love seeing characters that look like me, and I've been in her position plenty of times before lol. If only I had her good luck.

I felt like I was right there unwinding during a long weekend with Danika; the sex scene and everything before and after was so sweet, you made reading this VN feel like sipping a nice tea with honey on a winter night.

Thank you for making this!!! I had a blast reading it.

I'm surprised you were able to fit such a concise narrative and a big handful of characters into such a short game, and it works! After finishing it I feel like I know all of them individually, even those who don't appear much like Mollz' posse. 

The mystery of what happened, the emotions between the members of the estranged friend group and the depiction of Tomila's mental health and how it's been affecting her were very well done. You've got a knack for writing angst, and the bittersweet comfort that followed was all the sweeter because of that :D

I really loved this!!

This was so well made!!! I enjoyed the character aspects and the prose a lot obviously, the slow reveal of what was going on and the in medias res beginning, but I'm a huge fan of meta narratives and that's what really made this click for me, you nailed that extremely well for a short game, and I'd love to see more!!

I really liked this!! Though it's short, it was enough that it left me wanting a continuation with more answers, about the fate of the Earth and about why Essie was told to keep it secret. There are so many questions and they're presented in an interesting way, especially considering there are so many 'Stations' yet only one Essie.

I enjoyed her and Sol's conversation a lot, and the tension in it. I can't read her at all and that makes her all the more fun!! And the two lil' aliens are adorable. Also your art is so good!!!

I loved this! I'd gladly play a continuation.

This was amazing!!!! Out of the games I've played for this jam so far this might be the most impactful overall experience. The writing, the art, even the scant pieces of music were so well used, and this has one of my favorite protagonists in a long time. You wrote her obsession laced perfectly with her deep love and want, eclipsing everything else until she's finally given what she wanted, or at least she thinks so.

I'm bad at putting my thoughts down but this was such a well-realized work, it felt like nothing was wasted. I loved the narration and what little dialogue there was, as well as all the effort and research that went into it. I liked the ambiguity too, we're given little but it's more than enough to elicit the emotions you wanted to show us, especially there at the end. Such grotesque imagery alongside the cosmic promise of love and care for all other versions of her. It's so good!!!

Thank you for making this, it was a delight to read :D

Es!!!! Oh, I love him. This was such a wonderful game, all the time spent inside Es' mind so familiar and sad at the same time. That feeling of a million things going on inside your head and gesticulating none of them outwards, especially the more graphic intrusive thoughts, and how they'd be even scarier during an apocalypse scenario.

The relationship between these two felt real and raw and very painful, I love how you wrote them. How those 12 days felt like an eternity and like nothing at all because they barely know each other. And even then, I'd love to see them together for a lot longer :D The writing, prose and dialogue, were exceptional.

I liked the apocalypse too, you could've gone with something more vague or unexplained but you really went into detail and came up with a horrifying and yet very interesting end of the world, I love the idea of the falling stars and what they do to people.

Also I'd be remissed not to mention the sex scene, which was very very good!! Great job with this VN :D

I felt so bad for all of them, for Addison and Angel and how pretty much everything was against them before the end of the world. Makes me wonder if in some way it was worth it just to bring them together, but the sadness and tragedy are still there.

I really liked this VN. The use of black and white outline art did just as good a job of illustrating the emotions being felt as sprites would've, if not more. And the writing was superb.

The only thing is that sometimes the last line of a scene before changing to another one would cut off before it finished loading.

But still, this was really good, thank you for making it!!

There's something so sweet about this VN, I'm glad I chose to play it today! Not to say the angst there isn't also well-written and delicious (especially for someone who's been through some of those bad thought spirals in the past) but it's the relationship between Kieran and Jason that made this such a pleasure to read. They care so much!!! Even if they could stand to speak their minds more often, but that's how it is sometimes.

I love the sprites too, the character designs for these two are very cute and the expressions are very well made. I feel for Kieran, and for Jason's past, and reading something like this makes me happy :D

Though I'm not 100% on what happened at the end, or the meaning of being watched, I enjoyed reading this VN a lot, mainly for the cute lesbian pining of course but also for how on point and relatable that kind of routine is, especially when you have a disability or just feel stuck in general. Also I really like your art, especially the close-ups and the way you draw eyes!!! Thank you for making this.

Thank you so much for making this extremely personal and moving VN. I've been playing through this jam's submissions and yours is a stand out; a lot of what you put down on the page is stuff I (and I'm sure many other queer creators) have felt over and over again, and while the art of invoking relatability is common for VNs, you portrayed it so well that it hits really hard, and it's both emotional and motivating. 

I love the way you portray a system through the sprites too, that's wonderful. Same with the overall GUI and presentation, it's very clean and smooth, makes me jealous.

I'm very glad you were able to participate in this jam, because otherwise I wouldn't have gotten to read this.

I played this today and I really like what you have going for this VN so far! I think the writing is what really drew me in, you're really good at portraying and painting a picture of Juniper's thoughts and state of mind, and the dialogue is really good too. And of course I love Sue already, even though we've just met her.

I look forward to seeing a continuation of this in the future!! Very good stuff :D

I wish I'd gotten to this sooner, but after the Yuri Jam ended I had so much stuff to do and then the year ended D: But anyways! I'm here now, and I'm glad I took the time to play this demo, because it was incredibly fun and charming!

It's just a little taste so far of what the full experience will be like, but those short few scenes made me wish there was more! The art is cute, the writing is super charming and gay and I would die for both Aries and Lysithea. And I def wanna see more scenes with those two.

Great demo!!! Sad I didnt get to it sooner.

I am very very excited for trophies!!! And good luck during the rest of development!

First off, thank you so much for taking the time to play the game, and for your super kind comment!!!

I was so lucky to get permission from Alice Walker to use her music, and I'm glad it had the intended effect both for the opening screen aand the ending haha. And yeah, even though we only had two months to work with I got pretty obsessive with the game's art, to the point I feel like there are too many CGs and not enough sprites, but what can you do.

I got that same feedback regarding the character's motivations at the start, so I'll make sure to try and tweak it so it's clearer. And yeah, I absolutely love writing action scenes and fighting, at least the rest got you through those parts haha. I'm very happy you liked the story and characters, that's where I poured all of my love into. At first I toyed with the idea of multiple endings, but after a while I realized there was only one way the game could end, because of how stubborn everyone was. It's a sad ending, yes, but it also represents a new beginning for both Enid and Sofía, something I'd like to explore more in the future.

Again, I can't thank you enough for leaving this comment, it means a lot!!!

Thank you so much for your kind words!!! I'm glad you got everything I wanted to come across from the game and the characters, it makes me very happy that you appreciated it and liked the game. And yes, I took plenty of inspiration for the battle effects from Umineko, good to know they still come across with a bit of their own flavor haha. 

I was super lucky to have the help of both Nihilore and Alice Walker, without whom this game wouldn't have been nearly as effective in my opinion. Their music really is great. 

Again, thank you for playing and supporting the game!!! I hope I can make something else that you'll enjoy in the future.

Ohh this is very much my jam! I love the idea of ex-magical girls and yuri, so no wonder I loved this demo so much lol. And this is made by a single person? That's even more amazing. The art and the writing are both great so far, and the presentation and mystery is very well established at the beginning. I'm curious about Lilia's past, and about Rosie's present. I was left wishing there was more to play, so I'll definitely follow you!

I also liked the achievements, I thought they were a nice addition. 

Good job on this one!

It was such a good jam!!! Very glad to have met these people and played their games, it really brightened this month for me.

I very much enjoy women's wrongs, especially as wrong as these two! What a lovable pair of dumbasses. 

As someone who was in a friend group where something very similar to this happened (the boyfriend-stealing, not the eventual re-hookup) this was both very funny and sad, especially because of that feeling of 'the things we could've had' that permeated the whole VN. Though I'm glad they ended up getting together in the end, uncertain as the future might be.

Good one!!

First off; for some reason the game files were flagged as malicious by I put a screenshot of the message I got, I think it has something to do with password-protected files? I'm just letting you know.

Anyway, with that out of the way: I LOVED THIS DEMO SO MUCH!!!!

There's a lot to like. All the club shenanigans and silliness between the girls reminded me a lot of Higurashi, one of my favorite VNs of all time, and of course all the mecha-leaning peaked my interest too, even that 'held down by earth's gravity' line which I love so much. The comedy was on-point, at least to my preferred style for these types of silly VNs, and I already love all of the characters and their idiosyncrasies. Especially our lovely protagonist who... is going through some stuff, lol. Been there. Let's hope Tamago figures some stuff out!

Hard to overstate how much fun I had playing this. I'll be following you and excitedly wait for the full release of the game. One of my favorite entries for this jam so far!!

I  played the demo and was left wishing there'd be more, which I guess is a good indication that the demo worked, so good job there. There's not much to gleam from the characters so far, since each only got a few lines and descriptions, though so far I'd say Aqua is my favorite. I'll follow your account and look forward to the full release so I can learn more about them!

You know that post that's like 'tumblr users love to play with jpegs like dolls'? That's what this reminded me of, and I really do love it. Very cute idea! I'd love to see this turned into a full game.

I'll definitely follow you on here, your demo did a good job of demonstrating what the game was about, as well as a few of the characters that will eventually be love interests. The writing was good and the mystery caught my attention so far, though there were a few style/grammatical oddities more toward the beginning, but that's something that can be worked on. I like the presentation of the game and the point and click elements, and the more realistic setting works well with the grim tone of the story so far.

Also Nina is adorable, I love her :D I'll look forward to the full release!!

Oh wow, this was probably tied with Yuri of Absence and Yurivania III as the most interesting a game in this jam has gotten with its gameplay. I absolutely love the idea of solving a Zelda-style dungeon in order to get the dungeon itself off. The mechanics and the puzzles were implemented so nicely, and I chuckled more than a few times playing it. It was incredibly cute.

The puzzles weren't too challenging thankfully, even if the 'in circles' one took me a couple tries. I absolutely love this one!