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Beautiful visuals and stunning interactions! Randomly it was hard to use the teleport mechanic (almost like there was a "cooldown" on it after I shot too many times). Overall incredible work though.

If you have a chance this week to try my game out, I would love any and all feedback to improve gameplay!

Thank you so much! Yes the teleport interaction isn't my favourite either the way it's handled is a bit strange in xr tool kit, I unfortunately couldn't set it up to just use a button input or make the joystick more responsive. Thank you so much for this feedback it really helps.

And don't you worry I'm making it my mission to get through as many projects as possible, I will get to yours before the voting period is over :)


I found that using teleport with only the left hand led to much more consistent results; the right hand worked intermittently. Might be a clue as to what's causing it.

The left hand is the intended teleport hand, I've got a few clues as to why it's not consistent but what I really need to do is get it to work as just a button interaction. For some reason the template package provided has the teleport mapped to the joystick and wont trigger unless the joystick value is being changed. When I tried to change the input manager to accept a button input it would not teleport the player unless the joystick was being moved. This is an issue I truely wish I could've fixed before the end of the jam but was unsuccessful and decided to focus more on other gameplay elements. If you have any suggestions for me to try I'd truely appreciate it. Thank you :)