I just played a few times, but I didn't quite get how it all worked, the cats do look pretty though! One of them was particularly cute when sort of yawning. I'll break it in categories:
Main Menu
- Buttons look a bit weird to me, but I suppose this ain't the final version and you focused mostly on the action itself.
- The title written "World of Cats" seem to be in that pink color Unity goes when a texture/shader doesn't load.
- On Controller Mapping the actions texts got a bit crammed, more space between lines would make it more readable.
- I imagined the buttons with cat amounts meant to start the game, maybe making them in a separate category would make it feel more organized.
- On the Read Me, I didn't understand much of the purpose of the text. Took me a bit to understand some words and didn't appeal to me, but then, I'm not a cat person.
- The clouds on the background feel a bit jittery. Not sure what could be the cause.
Flight Demo
I didn't really get the purpose of this demo, it looks alright, but at the beginning it seems terrain has no colliders loaded, so I can go through mountains and even the floor. When I get back up above the water I start colliding with the ground.
- Collisions feel wonky. The cat doesn't feel like part of the scenery when walking on the mountains. Once I managed to kinda go through one the highest points of the arena, sort of like those "no clipping" cheats.
- At start my cat seems turbo-powered, I click forward and it flies around strangely.
- I didn't understand how score works, I just stay around under that circle in the mountain, sometimes the number in my triangle icon seems to increase, sometimes not.
- Cat movement feels a bit strange, as in if you walk to the sides it strafes in an uncanny way.
- When I hold right click to evade, the cat sometimes lies down and starts sliding through the ground.
- It's hard to aim attacks, the opponents seem to have a bigger hit box than mine.
- What does the line with colored ellipses and a circle mean?
- The music doesn't fit a battle on the arena setting.
- I wish I could choose my cat.
- Framerate kept at about 85-95 on the 9 cats setting. The 300 really dipped it.
All in all, the ideas for an arena game are there, it really needs more polish and a more understandable scoring system. I didn't find an end to it, do you lose somehow? I tried checking what happened if I went into the water and I just went through it.