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in slay the spire, it shows the default damage calculation unless you hover the card over a vulnerable enemy (which changes the result)
i'd be fine with it just saying the default damage on a normal unbuffed enemy
i assume pulling the enemy intent would work by grabbing whatever the enemy was choosing to do that turn, since i assume theyre decided before the player chooses what to do

I want it so the enemy stats arent taken into account since theyd have state icons you could hover over for a description to factor it in
like state vulnerable - takes 50% more damage
i think i already have a plugin for the state descriptions on hover
im gonna need to find a stacking states plugin too

also i hear the adding cards reward screen is just a choice with no picture, it could probably be replaced with a common event for each card, and yanflys picture common events plugin
using the skill number as the picture id and a script call for show picture.
alternatively, you could code a proper rewards screen with the cards drawn properly the way they are in battle