Please look very closely. Its the header, icon, and costs.
UPDATE: I figured it out. I was playing with the node colors and noticed the node I had altered was still shaded. Then I realized Miracle Potion (2, 6) had Philosopher's Stone also at (2, 6). Because it was overlapped it had the shaded node on top of it. I thought that effect was because it was hidden hence my prior question about node colors. Though after looking at the node colors I think a text document listing the effects you used to create the node colors and the effects used would be helpful for anyone interested in creating their own. Perhaps even listing a few extras as Alternative1, Alternative2, etc. Anyways I was wondering what happens if no node graphic is used for hidden nodes? Will it create an error or would no graphic be shown. I want the hidden node to be a surprise for the player and at the moment it leaves a shaded box with no text. Also thanks for helping me learn your plugin. Its quite different from anything I have worked with before.