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So that was a thing.

For an SBIG game, this has insanely high production values. Unreal Engine. Fancy 3D environments. Custom character models. Deepfaked (?) dialogue. Full. Motion. Video.

This is a memetic masterpiece, but to be honest some of the memes fell flat on me. I think some people are going to find it gut-bustingly hilarious, but I've never played Metal Gear and I haven't played TF2 in the better part of a decade, so a lot of it was lost on me.

While it's got a ton of so bad it's good style and almost sails by on that alone, there is a gameplay section, and it's notably underwhelming. It's basically collecting objects in a maze with really weird lighting and horrible UI, and feels like a half-broken example project.

The whole thing sailed by super quickly. This isn't a knock against it, but given how much time and effort was clearly spent on assets, makes everything feel a bit underutilized. Ultimately, though, that's more a problem for you the creator than me the player. If it was stretched out, then it might start to drag, and that's never a good thing. Better to keep it short and sweet.

I'm still not sure what to think of this one overall, to be honest. It's a shitpost, but it's the most visually impressive shitpost I've seen in a while.

Thanks for the feedback - it probably could've done with a few additional maps and more interesting theming for each of the mazes, to make it more engaging (as I was planning initially, but ran out of time). I have nothing to say about the UI - I agree it was atrocious, and definitely needs a rework at some point. Just want to ask if the tutorial covered the game mechanics well enough? I feel I could've added a couple more lines in to make it a better introduction to the game :/

Thanks again!