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thank you for your feedback... yes the rotation of the cube is a specifically designed feature to make the game a little bit more challenging... i have no idea what you mean by the bouncing... (for all i know is that you only bounce on the yellow bounce pads, and yes im still doing trial and error on the skymap... the level switching is giving me issues :(... so the skymap is no supposed to be that... and yes im planning on addding a couple arrows on the first few levels to guide the player a bit


the bouncing I mean: After you jump while moving fast, your square will bounce a little off the floor. It doesn't just stick to the floor when landing. Based on speed / amount of bump, it means it won't register a jump if you press jump whilst bumped off the floor!

I just watched your video with my game in it, Thanks for the feedback... It really helps the development Process, I've acknowledged and improved most of the issues you had with my game, i would appreciate it if you played the newly updated main game.... I have a very hard time finding playtesters, and the ones I do find, dont post their feedback, so i can watch their genuine reaction.... If you could do that I would appreciate it, If you would like to do a livestream on my game Trigo Run... Then we can figure out a timespan once I release the update :)

-thanks for your feedback, Deadshot1m24