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Cheers for this really detailed comment. I appreciate it.

Im disappointed to hear about the title, but I understand. Is it the "TASTES" or the "UNIQUE" part that's difficult?

It definitely would benefit from more time, I didn't have a lot of time to test the game in the end and I wasn't sure how much time was appropriate. Making better orders (higher grade) does increase the time given, but its still a difficult fight. If I had more time, I would've probably improved this significantly.

Not a bad idea about the time limit. Not sure why I didn't think of doing it that way. The game is missing a "kick" and I believe that's probably it.

There are 256 dish combinations, so your chances of getting a repeat are very low. I worked to improve this but didn't want to break anything right before the deadline, I'm glad you gave this game a try and Im sorry It didn't quite show you all it had to offer.


I would say its the "UNIQUE" part of the title, I think the 2 different colors are just too different for your eyes to kind of connect them. The pixel art itself on the title is great, but its good to always be thinking about how much it stands out as well as readability when it is the size of a small thumbnail. :)

Gotcha, thank you