I'll always try to do what I can to help cos at the end of the day, it's an honour to have anyone play my games, and if someone actually wants to play one but it won't work for them for whatever reason, that really sucks for me as a dev since I put so much hard work and time into making them. If one of my projects captures someone's interest, only for me to discover they can't access it, I'm just like ---> T_T noooo! Haha.
I didn't manage to get the build uploaded when I said I would though because it takes ages for Unity to generate the build, and ages for my slow internet to get it uploaded to the page, plus I was away from my PC on Monday trying to help my dad find new trainers xD But I just managed to upload it now! I named it 'A9Mac4Marquis' so you should be able to find it easily enough in the downloads :3
With any luck, having unlocked the option to allow different resolutions and resizable windows will have helped, but as I said, it may not improve anything still >.< I also tweaked the UI scaling options to better fit different screen sizes, but again, from what I can see in testing mode, it still isn't ideal on certain resolutions. On one, it fits the whole text box on screen rather than cutting the end off, which is great, but it won't move the accompanying avatar sprite, so it's like the avatar is in the bottom corner where it should be, and the text box is floating in the middle of the screen >.>
I'll cross my fingers anyhow! If it's still no better for you, I might be able to adapt the UI for your computer specifically if you let me know your screen size/resolution. Again though, it's still just a might cos when it comes to Mac, I can't even test the builds to see how they've come out >.< haha.
But yeah, *fingers crossed* x3
PS. You might have to delete any saves you previously made directly from the saves folder if you did make any in the first version you downloaded. Hopefully not since I renamed the file cos then it should sorta register as a new game and make a new folder for saves and such!