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Oh my goodness, you're so kind. I'm sorry I'm a few days late, but your update worked perfectly! I can't believe you edited and uploaded a new build just for me. I feel like that might have been the nicest thing anyone has done for me?? :'-)

I hope your dad likes his new trainers, and I wish you so much happiness and success with your future projects. I just added Darling Duality to my "Games to Play" collection, and I look forward to it! I'm going to find you on Patreon, too! 

(Most...) Indie devs are so amazing, but you're certainly in the top tier. If you ever need someone to test Mac "stuff," let me know! I'm an interactive fiction writer rather than a VN developer (although that's my (unattainable) dream), so I'm not sure I really know how I can help, but I will if I can!

Thanks again, Marionette. >_>^^<_<


You're more than welcome :3 I'm just glad it actually worked cos with how things always seem to go wrong for me on Mac, I was kinda prepared to hear that it didn't make a difference x3 haha. Maybe I should actually switch that build to the main Mac build in case it helps others, or at least point to it on the opening on Mac guide! 

Unfortunately, he never did find any trainers still x3 Everything was either out of stock in his size, a bad fit, or too expensive >.< 

That's so kind of you to become a patron, thank you so much ^-^ I don't know if you already have DD for download, but I'll get you a key sent over on Patreon after I send this! 

Aww, thanks x3 Well, it's probably a good job you caught me in August because if it had been September, I still would've gotten a new build exported and uploaded, but I would likely have been so up against it with the Spooktober Jam deadline that I would've had to say I can't do it until September is over x3 

I mean, it sure would be helpful to have a few Mac testers because I don't really know how many folks who play my stuff are actually playing on Mac! I don't know if it would help me be able to fix weird gameplay bugs, but I'd at least know if things like UI were hanging off the screen and I might be able to fix that, haha. 

And hey, it's not unattainable to be a VN dev at all :3 If I can do it, anyone can x3 If you're already writing interactive fiction, that's one of the most important components of making a VN, so you've already go that covered! That was literally all I was able to do myself when I started making VNs. I had no idea how to code (and still don't, for the most part >.<). I couldn't draw to save my life (and again, that's still the case xD). I'll never be one of those super talented devs that can somehow write and draw all the assets for their projects T_T but, over time, I've learned to sort of compensate for my lack of skill, haha. I purchase cheap art asset packs, and then edit them myself to make them more unique. I've gradually started making my own BGM tracks using commercial use/royalty-free loops and samples from the very generous people online who put them out there for others to use, and having software like Tyranobuilder and Naninovel for Unity has meant I haven't ever had to actually learn to code properly (which is probably a bad thing really >.< but crazy helpful for someone like me who gets headaches thinking about code and just wants to get on with making a story!) So yeah, you can definitely do it :D Heck, I can point you to resources and stuff if you want :3