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(1 edit)

congrats on your first game!!!

the game was fun. but i feel there are a few things that can be improved -

  • the chests kept jittering which was a bit annoying to look at and felt unpolished;
  • the jump was a bit wierd, i think u used some sort of physics libary/engine for that and it caused a wierd side effect where if i jump into a wall my jump height is lower, this was quite annoying;
  • the camera was on a good placement on the starting area below but as soon as u jump up to a higher ground then you cant see whats going on bellow beacuse the camera only shows 1 tile under you at all times, you can fix this by making it try to always be centered on you but keep in the bounds of the room which will make the same effect;
  • sometimes enemies spawned on me right as i started the game which felt unfair;
  • i wasnt able to climb ladders (maybe a bug maybe i didnt know how).

i know some of these "issues" are holding the game to a high standard but thats where you should aim to.