Sure man, so the main bug that hindered game play was the selection aura would disappear, or not even be present. I restarted the game and it helped for time, until the same thing happened. Some times cards wouldnt play no matter want i did, i think this was a result of the first bug. Another was the card graphic acted differently sometimes, it didnt seem intentional but may have been. Its been a little while now and i cant remember what else, but if it would help, ill be happy to play again, and see if i can recreate the bugs
Very aware of the selection aura bug, it was one of the visual bugs I did run into. However this didn't happen in-engine, and seemed to only happen once exporting to HTML and running in-browser. So by the time I knew of it, it was too late to fix :/
The card graphic acts differently when you click it, this was intentionally left in, but it was actually a visual bug caused by a shader.
I'm guessing that cards not playing is likely due to them needing targets selected (or in some cases, you need to select both an enemy AND a friendly character), and this was likely made harder by the fact that you couldn't see what was selected properly, due to the visual bug.
Either way, thank you for playing!