Unfortunately we didn't have time for an options menu sorry, but technically rebinding your controls is possible if you're willing to manually change some values in a config file.
You can find the instructions on the store page.
Controller requires some additional steps though.
On the line XXXXX_0_type="key" change where it says "key" to "joy_button".
The code for controller buttons can be found on the documentation page linked under one of the JOY_XXX values.
For the analogue stick change the type to "joy_axis".
You will also need to add a line XXXXX_0_axis=-1.0 and set the -1.0 to be negative for left/up and positive for right/down.
Here's a sample of the required settings for movement on the left analogue stick, and jump and attack on the A/X buttons: https://pastebin.com/SCVNviaL