Really cool idea, incredibly creative! Having an Ai occasionally control the character is a very inventive spin on the theme and I absolutely love it, ’cause it allows for a lot of emergent storytelling and even power-fantasy if used correctly: it really is so cool activating the robot-legs and seeing your character dash away from bullets like Neo in Matrix! On that regard, I would have liked if the Ai power bar charged a bit more quickly allowing the player to expolit these powers even more frequently since they are so fun to see in action! ^-^
Unfortunately, the Ai is so so cool when it works but can be frustrating when it doesn’t, considering the game is already pretty difficult: I’ve found myself stuck on a wall under enemy fire, getting immediately killed and being forced to restart from the very beginning; on that note, not having checkpoints at the end of each level is really a bit frustrating.
While the visuals and the music are overall very pleasing, the controls are bit rough and sluggish and they further exacerbate the difficulty of the game: don’t get me wrong, nothing that can’t be fixed with a little rework of the player controller! :)
The last thing I’ll say is that I’ve found a little bug: sometimes, when traversing a door that leads to a chamber with enemies, you can get pushed in the wall and get stuck there, meaning you have to restart everything.
Overall a really fun experience with a brilliant idea: I look forward to a refined after-jam version, if there will ever be one! <3