I'm having trouble openning the game on m1 mac? Is there a way to solve this? THanks!
Other games I have in my library have the same issues, the following is from the comments section of one of those games, but it should be a universal fix.
For MAC users:
If the game won't run, open the internal executable: show package content on app - contents - macOS - open game executable file
Open the terminal. Paste (with a space at the end): xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine
Drag the app onto the terminal, so you get something like xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /Users/<username>/Games/"Game_Name_Here"/"Game_name".app
Run that command. The app should now open properly every time without needing to locate and run the internal executable.
EDIT: edited filepath info to remove the name of the other game to prevent promotion of a game without permission.