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Ah sorry, I should have added that in desc. It's just zqsd, and left click on the bottle (pointed by arrow) to take it, and then left click on the desks to distribute it to employees (should be 8 employees, but for some reasons HTML version only spawns 2).

Sadly that's all you can do, I did not manage to implement the whole game loop in time.


I see. Is that a European keyboard? You might want to consider supporting arrow keys and/or WASD. I really struggled with that control scheme and the desks being a tight fit didn't help.

Yep, France, Belgium, maybe some others. First game jam, I figured it was going to be a good incentive to fast learn basics of Godot^^

You're right that qwerty is used by most countries, next time I'll set arrow keys and wasd as bindings. Thank you.


Well congratulations on submitting to your first game jam! Not everyone who makes the attempt succeeds.

Why zqsd?


French keyboard, I am used to switching to qwerty when needed for a game myself (since qwerty is in fact the standard), so I didn't really think about it.


Use physical keys instead of normal ones, those should know what you mean.