So... who´s/are your potential go to husband/s in Lustful Desires so far and why ;)? I am curious. Beware for newcomers as there will be spoilers here. In the following order, mine are:
1º Nameless. But I dont know if this going to work well even if I submit to him xD. Thanks to Hyao my love to monsters just skyrocketed to levels beyond my knowledge. (Well, you can say Final Fantasy gave me a lot of monsters/characters to love as well :P) But the thing is, I love misterious extraordinary beings so here we are.
2º Bernard. Not gonna lie, my first thoughts about him were: "A shopkeeper? Nothing special huh" but as the plot thickened he grew on me xD. I mean, i cant say no to a "meet 1 get 2" in the same pack. Variety is good. Plus he builds you a house. You have to respect that. Right? If only Logan stopped snapping perhaps just perhaps I would reconsider but I have tried lol.
3º Ste. I am a sucker for minotaurs/minotaur-esque characters so yeah... I knew this would happen. (I am looking forward to more Ste goodness in the future 7w7)
How about you guys?