Yep! Mostly going to be Amplify Shader Editor speech influenced by late night sleepyness. I used Lambert lighting with two gradients as colorramps. One to be used as a mask and the other for actual lighting fall off. The darkness of the shadows is adjusted globally with a float used in a remap. A crosshatch texture is color burned using a blend operation. Probably a bit unoptimized, but I do the blend operation both for directional lights and additional lights and then add them together which adds this subtle crosshatching even on lit surfaces.
If I added additional lights and directional light together and then did the blend operation, the result would be more accurate and faster to how lights work, but I would lose that subtle crosshatching on lit surfaces. So I chose style over probably a miniscule performance hit.
Crosshatching texture is applied using stochastic triplanar mapping which produces consistent results regardless of object size and UV
Edit: will check out your games tomorrow, all of em look good :D