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A member registered Feb 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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(5 edits)

Please tell me that inventory system is going to be improved?
Hotkeys are very clunky and I constantly forget the key combinations. Would be a lot more intuitive if just selecting the item put it into your hands instead of having to frustratingly try to hit that key combination to put the item back into the inventory when I want to switch. Drop can be its own button.

Reduce the amount of buttons needed to the bare minimum.

It is quality of life issues like this that can make people quit already at the tutorial.

Simple and clean, not much to complain about here. Feels a bit samey during long sessions as everything looks the same.

The premise of having 7 days to earn enough money to pay back debt or else getting organ harvested for you precious heart is a fun one. I mainly used the gun during my playthrough and well, it goes bang and monkey brain likes loud bang noises.

== AUDIO ==
Adding some ambient sounds would help a lot with selling the atmosphere of exploring a ruin for scraps and treasure. Reverb for the gun sound would help sell the space a lot more. It does not have to deafen you (Please don't), but it should sound like you are firing it inside a enclosed space that has a lot of flat surfaces for the sound to echo.

This is a fine game as is, but there is some potential in this gameplay loop.

(1 edit)


"I found it very fun to look around and just see all of the madness."

Madness caused by time crunch is fuel for more madness :D

The Moai, UI, 2nd level mix and void level was done in the last three days. This includes modelling, texturing, creating custom shaders (Amplify Shader Editor my beloved!) and experimenting with lighting. Kimu helped out with a couple of models, the most notable being the CRT monitor. Some third party models were altered and used to save time (and are credited in the description, they are all either Public Domain or CC BY 4.0)

The white squares is a bug and I know there is some Z fighting specifically because of the way we did prefabbed rooms for proc gen.


This was our first dungeon crawler ever and we wanted to keep it simple, though we unfortunately did not have much time to actually playtest this when everything finally came together. Combat feels... impotent for the lack of a better word. There is no punch to the attacks. There is no proper anticipation for incoming attacks. And yes, there is no reason to not charge attacks. Imo each action you can do against an enemy should have clear pros and cons. For instance, light attacks could be used to interrupt heavy attacks. In a way, the game feels setup for a rock, paper, scissor combat loop where you have a set of actions that are capable of interacting with each other.

Killing enemies do not give you anything, they act more as obstacles. Healing is something we should have added. But you know, sleep deprived hubris and all that.

One big issue I got with the current proc gen system is that the dungeons are very hit or miss. Sometimes you just walk through one without encountering any loot or enemies. Other times you are FLOODED by enemies. There should of course be some variation in the amount of rooms, loot and enemies, but this ain't it.

== AUDIO ==

I have sent your compliments as a screenshot to Kimusabe and Trish. They did an amazing job.


The bugs are most likely bugs. Besides the level 2 mix and GOD, I have not intentionally introduced Z fighting. I personally want to keep working on this game, I think there is a lot of potential in this if it actually got some polish and actual content. But we are already working on polishing another Game Jam game (Ordinary Day in Brackeys Game Jam 2022.2 eyyoooooo) for Steam release. We might do an update doing some rebalancing and fixing the game up a bit, but actually expanding it into a full game has to wait even if the entire team is onboard.

Thanks for leaving a well written comment, we all appreciate it.

(1 edit)

You can't update the game during the voting stage. I would suggest going onto the Dungeon Crawler discord and ask if you can get any help there.

Pretty much, I use the shadow maps as a mask. So I tweak the shadows by using two gradients, one which will be used as the mask for the sketch lines and another for the lighting falloff. Sketchlines is blended using a color burn blend operation each (Directional and additional lines are kept separate), then added together. Shadow brightness is tweaked using a remap hooked up to an exposed float that can be tweaked globally using a shadow zone script MemeMan made.

The sketchline texture itself is applied to objects using triplanar mapping. Gives consistent results regardless of object size and UVs.

I use Amplify Shader Editor for my shaders, but this should be doable in Shader Graph as well.


Did you remember to make the file executable?

Fun game, like the twist with changes being persistent for all players. Could not play for long as at some point the camera got stuck.

Fun game, like the twist with changes being persistent for all players. Could not play for long as at some point the camera got stuck.

Thanks for the praise, happy you had fun ^-^

Faster movement is a sentiment we agree with and will be tweaked for the post game jam update. Can undertand the camera shake is a bit intense. Dialogue variety is something we can consider.

(2 edits)

Don't got much games on my own account and my previous game jam game with this team was Apocalypse Planner, which is a bit of a janky mess that we were supposed to update months ago but never got around to. Otherwise we are mainly developing a rougelike VR game.

That is not a feature and your profile picture reflects how I feel about it. A minority (you are part of it unfortunately) are having some bizzare issues with this game and we can't patch it while there is a voting period.

All I can suggest is to try different browsers (assuming you are playing WebGL version) or to try the Windows/Linux/Mac version of the game and pray the issue go away as they are more stable than WebGL.

(3 edits)

Yep! Mostly going to be Amplify Shader Editor speech influenced by late night sleepyness. I used Lambert lighting with two gradients as colorramps. One to be used as a mask and the other for actual lighting fall off. The darkness of the shadows is adjusted globally with a float used in a remap. A crosshatch texture is color burned using a blend operation. Probably a bit unoptimized, but I do the blend operation both for directional lights and additional lights and then add them together which adds this subtle crosshatching even on lit surfaces.

If I added additional lights and directional light together and then did the blend operation, the result would be more accurate and faster to how lights work, but I would lose that subtle crosshatching on lit surfaces. So I chose style over probably a miniscule performance hit.

Crosshatching texture is applied using stochastic triplanar mapping which produces consistent results regardless of object size and UV

Edit: will check out your games tomorrow, all of em look good :D

Such a simple game, love it!

(2 edits)

Wait, ok, what keyboard layout are you using? Do you use something like AZERTY that differs from QWERTY? Still no idea what could make the movement stick like that though.

What is the issue? Been getting a few comments about issues with movement but still gotta ask you. Tried playing in full screen (Solves a few issues in WebGL)? Tried the Windows/Linux/Mac version (Far more stable than WebGL and lighting works more as intended)?

Yeah ok, this is realllyyy weird.

(1 edit)

WebGL is having a ton of weird issues that is out of our control. Have you tried playing in fullscreen (This commonly fixes camera controls and other stuff in WebGL games)? Have you tried the Windows version? Movement is keymapped to WASD and these issues are not present on the Windows version.

I love the concept of this game and I really want to like it, but the office environment was not at all made for third person camera in mind and makes it frustrating to navigate. Everything is too cramped and I am getting motion sick.

(1 edit)

Do you get stuck in objects? Or while walking around on just floor? If playing through WebGL, please try the Windows/Linux/Mac version as we are having tons of weird issues with WebGL.

A tad repetitive, but fun and that is fine considering how short the game is. I am a sucker for pixel art so the art is a 10/10.

I love how smooth that camera is, this could be polished into something bigger and better I think.

(1 edit)

I thought myself as a decent writer.

This game made me consider otherwise. 10/10!

Yeah, people have had some issues with WebGL. This is why we recommend downloading the Windows/Linux/Mac version.

Neat little game, love the cute art.

(1 edit)

Fair criticism, it does take a bit long to walk to granny's house and back. We might consider upping the movement speed when we are allowed to update the game.

Love the art and audio of this and I actually liked how big the map was. Added a ton of uncertainty as I walked into uncharted territory and was unsure about where to go, made me relate to the main character.

Neat twist on rhythm games. Will probably return to this.

We also feel bad for doing granny dirty like that :(

(1 edit)

Thank youuuu! I worked mainly on the shading, lighting and the VFX of this game! If it was not for the texture artist going for hand drawn like that I never would have thought about making a shader like this.

Seriously, good job to all of you!

(1 edit)

Ok, this kind of art style is right up my alley, love the look, sound and feel of the game. Managed to get to room 23 where I got caught by the spectral train of evil face in the elevator.

Goat scream is now peak horror :D

Interesting game, like being able to control 3 characters with different abilities. Turns the platforming more into a puzzle. Camera does a bad job of allowing you to see where you are going so you have to make a ton of leap of faiths.

Love the art style, decent amount of tension from the atmosphere (Sound, books, art etc...), foiled by a anti-climactic ending :(

Is the story loosely inspired by real events while playing Minecraft?

The idea is neat, but it seems like you did not have all that much time to work on the game. A visual indicator for when the AI takes over and gives back control would be very nice.

About 25k
Never thought I needed a gun calling me a gigachad in my life.