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Louis "Veuch" Vogel

A member registered Apr 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Wtf j'avais pas commenté ? J'y ai joué il y a quelques mois, et c'était vraiment hyper cool, on avait vraiment une sensation d'influencer la pièce avec ses actions, et la sensation de devoir créer une build de perso et de devoir jouer en accord avec.

Bref c'était trop cool héhé

Omega banger

If you like programming game, you can try out selfless heroes :)

Thanks a lot ! :D

Yeah, it's a tad hard, especially at the beginning, but we really  would have liked to have a tutorial for this game, since it has several mecanics :/

Thanks a lot  for playing ! :D

Thank you very much, that's very kind of you ! :)

Hey, thanks for playing ! :)

I watched the clip, it was fun ! :)

I really wished we had time for tutorials, because there are several things many people didn't (and couldn't) notice. Namely, killling ennemies makes noise and attracts them, except if you press E to backstab them, that kind of thing x)

Also yep, I agree, ennemies are a quite hard, since we wanted to capture the difficulty of Hotline Miami x)

Thanks a lot for the feedback ! :)

Hey, thank you for the feedback ! :)

Yeah, I agree, but we wanted to make the player feel like they were improving, and therefore add interactions as you free your buddies ! :)

Thanks for dropping by and playing ! :D

Yeah, it is quite hard, and the more I see people playing it, the more I realize that x)
Thanks ! )

I really like the artstyle ! 

Controls are really frustrating tho x)

Nice job pulling this off in such a short time span ! :)

This is really cool !

I loved the concept and PS1 vibe !

I honestly think this is one ofmy favorites for this jam ! :)

This was AWESOME ! :D

It didn't make me giggle, it made me laugh out loud x)

I loved the line of dark humor here and there, this was so funny, and good loonking to !

Polish was also unreal ! :D

Excellent job ! :)

Oh, and I could not find the password of the computer... Any hint ? :)

Yeah, I can tell x)

Wow, this was awesome !

Usually the gripe I have with gimmicks like your game's is the fact that the solution is very straightforward. This is not the case here at all ! :D You can get the lil guys from everywhere, take them to another screen, push them around, creating multiple solutions ! :D

Awesome job ! :D

I  really liked it ! Gameplay was a loop, but since it is such a quick one, it is not disturbing.

The mood is what really got to me ! Music was awesome !

I found the end to be a little underwhelming though, but I believethis is nothing unsolvable ! :)

All in all, great stuff ! :D

I really liked the cute little cultists running around, but I could not understand what to do :/

That is too bad, because the game looked cool !

I understood that holding E would start indoctrinating peons in the circle, but my game never lasted more than five seconds before 5 monks arrived and wrecked my only cultist x)

Yayyy I made it ! :D

The ambiance was great ! Colliders were a bit frustrating a times, but nothing one can't get around x)

I especially liked the audio of the infected ! :)

Oh cocaine, really ? And here I thought no one would like it x) 

Toilets are a bit buggy, because they've been coded by stupid me, but if you throw them while not too far from the enemy, it'll kill him :)

Yep, those are all things we'd like to fix, thanks for pointing it out :)

Thank you very much for the valuable feedback ! :D

Thank you so much ! :)

Yeah, I guess buddies are just a little bonus, not so much something needed to win the game x)

I enjoy the effort on the dialog; and on the animation and flashlight :-)

However, I was stuck and could not find the 3rd skeleton :( That's to bas, because even if the game lacked audio, it had charm :)

Oh sure, I'll be sure to gicve it a shot tonight ! :)

Hey, that is nice ! :)

I really like the mechanics, it was fun to play despite the difficulty ! :)

I also really liked the graphics and lighting :)

Nice job ! :)

To be completely honest with you, I was expecting a low effort game.

I'm glad to be wrong ! :D Storytelling is nice, music is really close to what you would hear in the original game, it fits the theme, really cool stuff :)

On bug I noticed is that zombies fall veeeeery slowly x)

Nice artwork ! :)

I think the game could use a little incentive for the player to explore the map, maybe health regeneration items or something. As it stands, I found a house and could not interact with it, which was pretty frustrating xD

Overall, pretty cool stuff :)

An incredibly fun and consistent entry ! :)

It was a bit easy, but I vastly prefer that over a way too hard game x)

Concept was cool, I really liked having an invincible Knight ! :)

Maybe it could be expanded upon by adding Shadow ennemies that damage the knight but that the light can fade away ?

Overall, a really pleasant experience ! :)

Thank you for giving it a try ! :)

Yeah, killing ennemies without stabbing them is noisy, and it tends to draw the other ones near :D

I really liked the Octopath traveler like graphics ! :)

I'd like to make the same suggestion that others already made about showing the full text with the first spacebar press, and skipping text with the second one :)

I liked the concept of the game, however, the placement of the lady with the light felt random, which could be a little frustrating at times.

Overall, nice job :)

Hi, we made a 3D Hotline Miami inspired stealth game :)

Take a look if you feel like it :D

It was short, but it sure felt polished :)

I only have one gripe ; it is a little annoying to go back to the main menu when you die, so maybe simply relloading the scene would have made the scene ?

Anyways, good job :)

Thank you so much ! :)

Yep, enemies are kinda hard to emphasize stealth. Killing them even if they saw you is still possible if you manage to bait their attacks x)

Thanks a lot ! :D

Noooo game was stuck at the press space screen for me, even though I restarted my computer and everything ;-;

That's too bad, it looked cool ;-;

Yeah, we wanted it to pack a punch x)

Thanks ! :)

Tain j'avais jamais vu ton commentaire, jsavais pas que RedTree avait bossé la dessus xD

J'addore la musique du coup x)

I loved it x)

At first, I liked the music, then I went and looked who made it. Turns out you guys worked with Red Tree as well, so that's why x)

I also really liked the hook physics, voice acting, and most of all, artistic direction :)

Overall, a very solid entry, and a possible jam winner ! :)

Yo, if you really are 14 years old, that right there is something to be proud of ! :D

Sure, it's a bit buggy, but I managed to play with a stranger, and that is something that is extremely precious in a game jam !

Good job ! :D

This is really beatiful, and also music is very pleasant !

It is kind of hard, however. Maybe adding a health bar would help ?

Anyways, do be proud, that is a great proof of concept :)

Wow is this game good looking and polished, but also so hard x)

I really enjoyed my time playing it, but I felt like everything was so expensive x)

Good job on this :)

Thank you so much !

Though I can not promise we'll continue development, we can sure think about it x)

You'll be the first to know if this happens :)

Thank you so much, hotline miami was what we were aiming for :)