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Thanks, Mars--really nice of you to say.  Wanted to improve the replayability of this one as much as possible to get more out of the game. I'm going to be busy with non-BB programming for a while, but when I do come back for another, is there anything on your wish list?

Thanks for the response! Personally, I'd love a combat-focused game, like a tournament in which you pick your fighter (male or female) and go against male or female oponents, in a way that F x M, F x F and M x M would be possible. You could simply select a single match or play a tournament, with an ending for your winning character (wouldn't need to be graphic, just text).

Some customizable features would be awesome, too, like taunts that you could edit in the config files for specific characters or something of the sort.

But anyways, I wish you well on your other activities and remain eager to see your next project!

You're not the first to ask for a purely-fighting game--I think I mostly avoided it because I know I could never make one with the refined control system of a real fighting game. But, yeah, like everyone else I grew up with the Johnny/Cassie Cages of your Mortal Kombats or Kilik/Seongs of your Soul Caliburs doing low blows and would love a game tournament built around it. I'll have to think about it, but if it seems possible without too much trouble, I'll give it a shot--maybe like 3 to 4 male characters and 3 to 4 female, each with a special move,  and then maybe 3 stages. Custom taunts I could actually do in-game without much difficulty, and it would automatically save to a config file for the next time you play. If anyone else has wants/wishes, feel free to chime in here.

Hows about a visual novel based one, like the old BBHigh games, i loved those games and its sad that another one wont come out. Its great because I loved the dialogue from your previous games, like  the old Chapter 1 and 2 of this game but the character animations were a bit lackuster, at least for my tastes, while a visual novel would solve the animation problem. Also I was wondering if there is anyway to disable the nudity in this game, as its just not my thing

Yeah, BBHigh was fun--I definitely remember playing at least the first episode. Ironically, part of the reason I went the 3D animation route was because just about every bb game on tap was visual novel (dozens of them if you count Japanese titles.) I have a number of stories I've written (or plan to write) that I never thought would work as games, but maybe they'd work for that. And the next one will be nudity-optional, regardless--it would be nice to be able to post a trailer to YouTube or have someone do a Let's Play that won't get flagged, for once. You may also want to petition Havock for such a thing, as I think he's already put one out.