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A member registered Nov 19, 2017

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Really fun premise! Can't wait to try it :D

Hey man, glad to see you're still around. If you ever plan on being more active, count me in for supporting you. I have a question though, does the next project utilize mechanics such as the bust replays? I love them on that fighting game you released a while ago.

Glad to see you're OK! Of course, if you're up to it, I'm sure it'll be enjoyable. Your content tends to very neatly align with what I like.

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Hi man, how are you doing? I've always loved your games. Are you still working on something nowadays? Could you give us an update?

Thanks for the response! Personally, I'd love a combat-focused game, like a tournament in which you pick your fighter (male or female) and go against male or female oponents, in a way that F x M, F x F and M x M would be possible. You could simply select a single match or play a tournament, with an ending for your winning character (wouldn't need to be graphic, just text).

Some customizable features would be awesome, too, like taunts that you could edit in the config files for specific characters or something of the sort.

But anyways, I wish you well on your other activities and remain eager to see your next project!

Loved it! The dialogue is funny, the multiple endings depending on the choices selected earlier are nice, and the minigames are fun as well.

Also, the fact that the other girls can kick Jeremy if he gets too close in the sparring match is a nice touch! Almost wished we could have the teacher spar with him! Hehe.

I really like that you try something new with every release, as seen by the POV hits from the girl's perspective and the squeezing minigame.

The fact that all scenes can be skipped is also great for replayability, so thanks for that.

I hope you continue doing what you do, I really enjoy these.

Great to know it's almost here! Personally, I wouldn't mind the lack of voice acting, as I can use my imagination as I read.

Looks good! Can't wait for the full release.

Will the game have the same plot as the first one (girls sparring with a guy), or will it be changed to girls sparring with a practice dummy?

Personally, I prefer the dummy to not be robotic, but I imagine there'll be options to disable it like in the demo.

Amazing! I've played the first game and even though it's simpler in scale, it's absolutely my favorite as I love the context and characters.

Very excited to try it out when it's done.

That's great to hear! Can't wait to try it out when it's ready.


This is really cool! I like this style of game, where dialogue choices can loop events over and over as the player wishes.

Ballbusting (kicking, etc.) is more to liking, but I enjoyed the change of perspective in this one.

It would be nice if any of your future ballbusting games introduced a first person perspective, be it optional or not.

Keep up the good work!

That's great, the improved taunts make fights a lot more enjoyable. Also, customization is one of my favorite areas, so thanks!

I enjoy the great amount of characters and the different introductions. Do you plan to add more finishers and/or unique text for the winning character?

Anyway, I look forward to your next releases.

Thank you for the quick response!

That's a sound advice, and it makes total sense to stick to a language and platform for a while, rather than frequently switching around. I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

Indeed, it is daunting at first, having to manage so many elements at once, but only through perseverance one can see the results come to fruition, and that's when I guess it's all worth it. I'm glad you're willing to spend your time to help me, but I don't want to inconvenience you with it.

Maybe if it's alright with you, I'd be okay in taking a shot at understanding the current implementation. It's also part of my daily job to reverse engineer other people's code (although not gaming related), so it could be a good practice and challenge for me.

Again, thank you for the helpful advice and quick response.

I remember seeing  the first episode posted somewhere around the internet, after which I played it and really enjoyed the content. That's how I found the second episode in here.

One of my objectives is to continue learning programming and aspects of game development so I can create something like this too, when time allows me. That's why I'd love to play around with it. Since the first episode is free, would I be way out of line in asking if you could share it's source? If not, I understand and apologize for asking.

In any case, do you have plans for future games? I love your style and would definitely support your future work.

Really enjoyable game with great humor in it's writing. Definitely worth it.

I hope to see a third episode someday. Cheers!

I see. Thanks for the clarification!

I love the RPG format and the graphics! Very impressive!

The battle text adds a nice flavor to the game, and losing is a lot of fun because of it!

The fact that the main character can lose one of his "parts" and still continue the fight for another round is also a really cool touch.

You probably have this in mind already, but I wish the main character didn't have the armor on! It would be amazing to have an option to remove it. Maybe that'll be a feature for the full game?

I'd love to know if there is a place where I can keep up with your work besides

Anyway, it's shaping up to be amazing! Keep up the good work!

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Really cool game! Could you release an update that allows the character's names to be changed?